#covid testing

Collection of covid testing news, found 20 news.

PON Papua

PON athletes, officials regularly undergo COVID testing: Health Office

To prevent COVID-19 transmission, medical personnel must conduct regular swab tests on athletes and officials at the ...

$100M XPRIZE for carbon removal funded by Elon Musk

XPRIZE, the world’s leader in designing and launching incentive competitions to solve humanity’s grand challenges, ...

No fans allowed at Liga 1, 2 matches: police

The Indonesian Police has confirmed that it has not allowed stadiums to host crowds of spectators during the Indonesian ...

Recent swab tests confirm four legislators in Riau contracted COVID-19

Four members of Riau's legislative body tested positive for the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as confirmed ...

PSSI: Rp5 bln allocated for COVID testing ahead of Liga 1,2

The Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) has set aside Rp5 billion to conduct COVID-19 swab tests for players, ...