
Collection of cyberattack news, found 70 news.

Hybrid warfare threat should be anticipated at the earliest

The plan to develop a cybersecurity network in 43 work units under the Indonesian National Defense Force Headquarters ...

News Focus

Cyberwarfare, geopolitical challenges await TNI commander

General Andika Perkasa was officially inaugurated by President Joko Widodo as TNI commander in place of Marshal Hadi ...

BSSN forecast increase in cyberattacks in 2020

The National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN) forecast an increase in cyberattacks in 2020, including ransomware, a ...

Expert highlights cyberattacks and not tapping as crucial issue

Cyberattacks and not tapping is a critical issue in the deliberation of the Bill on Cyber Security and Resilience, as ...

Year ender - Protecting Indonesian elections from cyberattacks

Cyberattacks have threatened elections in several countries, and one of the major hacking cases was alleged foreign ...

Cyberattacks increase ahead of presidential elections: BSSN

Cyberattacks have increased lately, ahead of the simultaneous legislative and presidential elections to be held in ...

Indonesia wants joint ASEAN Cybersecurity Regulation

Communication and Informatics Minister Rudiantara assessed that ASEAN cybersecurity was among important issues to be ...

News Focus - International cooperation crucial to deal with cyberattacks

Effective cybersecurity reduces the risks of cyberattacks and protects companies, organizations, and individuals from ...

FedEx committing more than $3.2 billion in wage increases, bonuses, pension funding and expanded U.S. capital investment following the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

- FedEx Corporation is announcing three major programs today following the recently enacted U.S. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: ...

NEC and Id-SIRTII/CC to Collaborate on Cyber Security in Indonesia

- NEC Corporation (NEC; TSE: 6701) today announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the ...