#death penalty

Collection of death penalty news, found 399 news.

French embassy: legal process faced by Serge unfair

An official of the French embassy said on Wednesday the legal process being faced by drug convict on death row Serge ...

Mary Jane`s legal process will be accelerated: Minister

The legal process of Philippine national Mary Jane will be accelerated, so that the executions of the death row ...

Brazilian embassy reluctant to respond to RI`s note of protest

The Brazilian Embassy in Jakarta is reluctant to respond to Indonesias note of protest sent to Brazilian President ...

No moratorium on death penalty: foreign ministry

Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokesman Arrmanatha Nasir confirmed here Friday that Indonesia had not imposed a ...

Amnesty International again requests Indonesia to halt execution plans

Amnesty International on Thursday issued another urgent request, rallying its members to call on the Indonesian ...

Indonesia AG coordinates with police to prepare firing squad

The Attorney Generals Office (AGO) is coordinating with the National Police to prepare a firing squad and carry out ...

"We are ready to execute Bali Nine members": Justice minister

The government is ready to execute the Australian drug offenders Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran from the "Bali Nine" ...

Executions of Drug Offenders Affect Indonesia, Brazil Ties

The Brazilian government had withdrawn its ambassador to Indonesia after its citizen, Marco Archer Cardoso Mareira, ...

Indonesia intensifies rehabilitation program for drug addicts

Being in a state of drug emergency, the Indonesian government has carried out the heaviest punishment, notably death ...

French death row convict`s family apologizes to Indonesia

The wife of a French drug convict on death row in Indonesia, Sabine Atlaoui, has apologized to the Indonesian ...

Report of death sentence disturbing: French ambassador

French Ambassador Corinne Breuze said the death sentence and a threat of execution of a Frenchman in Indonesia has ...

Indonesia perceives Brazil as friendly country despite Rousseff`s statement: spokesman

Indonesia will always consider Brazil as a friendly country despite President Rousseffs statement that the trade ...

Death penalty is in line with indonesian law by

The death penalty is applied in compliance with Indonesian law and does not conflict with human rights guaranteed ...

A Nigerian nabbed with 6 kilograms of methamphetamine

The anti drug directorate of the Jakarta metropolitan police has arrested a Nigerian identified as TC believed to be ...

Brazil must apologize to restore bilateral relations with Indonesia: Expert

The Brazilian government must apologize for humiliating Indonesian Ambassador-designate Toto Riyanto and restore the ...