#death penalty

Collection of death penalty news, found 399 news.

Indonesia in a state of drug emergency: minister

Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa has reiterated that Indonesia is currently in a state of drug ...

Ambassador to report Brazil incident to President Jokowi on Tuesday

Indonesian Ambassador-designate to Brazil Toto Riyanto will report to President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo on Tuesday about ...

Brazil offended govt, people of Indonesia: Foreign Affairs Ministry

Brazil offended the government and people of Indonesia by canceling the credentials presentation ceremony of its ...

Indonesia might postpone plan to buy military weaponry from Brazil

Vice-President M Jusuf Kalla has said the government might postpone a plan to buy military weaponry from Brazil after ...

Brazil`s action unusual diplomatic behavior: President

President Joko Widodo said Brazilian President Dilma Rousseffs act of rejecting the credentials of the countrys ...

Execution of foreign drug convicts will affect ties temporarily

The execution of drug convicts given the death penalty in Indonesia is a matter of law enforcement, similar to the ...

Indonesian military mobilizes combat equipment for smooth execution of drug convicts

The Indonesian military (TNI) has mobilized intelligence personnel and combat equipment to anticipate any possible ...

Execution delay has nothing to do with Australia: President

The delay in the execution of the two Australians and nine other death row convicts has nothing to do with the request ...

Indonesian armed forces prepare weapons for execution

The commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI), General Moeldoko, stated that intelligence apparatus and weapons ...

Indonesia must be firm in facing Australia`s threats: Law expert

Indonesia must be firm and strong in facing the threats of the Australian government and people regarding the planned ...

Attorney General discusses execution of convicts on death row

- Attorney General H. M. Prasetyo met with the heads of several prosecutors offices here on Wednesday to discuss the ...

Premier Abbott`s statement not part of diplomatic language: Indonesia's spokesman

Premier Tony Abbotts threats are not part of the diplomatic language as he linked Australian aid during tsunami with ...

Indonesian law professor deplores Australian FM`s statement

An Indonesian law professor denounced Australian Foreign Minister Julio Bishop for accusing Indonesia of adopting ...

Australian tourists voice disapproval to tourism boycott

Australian tourists visiting Bali have expressed their disagreement to the tourism boycott, which is a mark of protest ...

Indonesian NGO claims Ban Ki-moon biased on Bali Nine execution

The National Movement of Anti-Narcotics (Ganas Annar), an Indonesian NGO, considers UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon ...