
Collection of debate news, found 783 news.

Snowden leaks may be `lethal` for troops

Fugitive intelligence contractor Edward Snowdens theft of 1.7 million secret documents could potentially put US ...

Snowden declares "mission accomplished" on leaks

Just six months after first leaking National Security Agency secrets in a move that triggered a revaluation of US ...

Century bank case again creates debate

The Century Bank case has again created debate in Indonesia after a team of lawmakers, charged with monitoring the ...

Just a matter of time before Indonesian Policewomen wear hijabs

The debate surrounding the introduction of headscarves for policewomen in Indonesia, a predominantly Muslim country, ...

Australian surfer mauled in second fatal shark attack

Australian police in the past weekend have released the name of a teenage surfer who has died from what appears ...

Dahlan to discuss possible merger between Pertagas-PGN

Minister for state enterprises Dahlan Iskan said he has called leaders of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN), PT ...

Maxthon Releases New Android Browser with Expanded Customization and Faster Pageload Speeds

- Maxthon, a global software company that develops state-of-the-art web browsers, today released a new version of its ...

KPK grills wife of former chief judge

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) grilled the wife of suspended Constitutional Court chief judge Akil ...

The 6th Edition of the "World Entrepreneurship Forum" will Take Place in Singapore from Oct. 30th to Nov. 2nd

-Selected for their entrepreneurial achievements and commitment to society in their respective countries, the members ...

BI maintains key rate at 7.25 pct

Bank Indonesia (BI) will allow its benchmark interest rate to remain unchanged at 7.25 percent."Bank Indonesia`s Board ...

Jakarta index falls, rupiah stable on rise in forex reserves

The Jakarta composite share price index opened lower on Tuesday to follow the regional trend. The index of the ...

BI: Problem in balance of payments need to be sorted out

Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Mirza Adityaswara said problem in Indonesia`s balance of payments needs ...

National committee confirms President Obama`s attendance at APEC Summit

The national committee for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit has confirmed US President Barack ...

Children in conflict situations need access to education

As the global count of children who have access to quality education has increased, an official from the United ...

Indonesian democracy is consolidated

A researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Prof Ikrar Nusabhakti, said democracy has been ...