
Collection of deforestation news, found 629 news.

EARTH WIRE -- Crowds gather to witness Rafflesia flowers bloom

Crowds gathered to witness the 15 endemic Rafflesia arnoldii flowers blooming, by opening their six petals completely, ...

Government asked to consider European Parliament palm oil resolution

A number of non governmental organizations (NGOs) asked the government to use the resolution of the European ...

Agriculture minister to evaluate palm oil exports to Europe

Indonesian Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman will evaluate the export of palm oil and palm oil-based biodiesel ...

EARTH WIRE -- Indonesia strongly rejects European Parliament`s allegations

Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya said Indonesia rejects European Parliaments allegations against ...

MetLife is first U.S. insurer to achieve carbon neutrality

- MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET) today announced that it has achieved its 2015 goal of carbon neutrality, becoming the first ...

BOS Foundation saves orangutan from extinction

The Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation is keen to release as many Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) as ...

Malaysian customers urgeHSBC to stop funding forest fires in Indonesia

Dissatisfied Malaysian customers on Tuesday presented HSBC with a mock cheque with 228,434 signatures urging the bank ...

EARTH WIRE -- Brazilian conservationists develop new tool to cut illegal wood from supply chains

Companies that want to buy Brazilian timber without contributing to illegal deforestation have a new tool to help them ...

EARTH WIRE - Addressing crimes against wild plants and animals

Crimes against wild animals and plants need serious attention, as many plants and animals face the threat of ...

EARTH WIRE -- Social forestry program has many benefits

The social forestry program launched by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is expected to help develop agroforestry, ...

Indonesia`s timber legally approved by EU

Independent Forestry Monitoring Network (JPIK) stated the Timber Legality Verification System (SLVK), which is ...

Ratification of Paris Agreement not enough : NGO

The decision of the House of Representatives (DPR) to ratify the Paris Agreement on climate change should be followed ...

S Sumatra to host intl environment conservation forum

South Sumatra will be hosting Asia Pacific Bonn Challenge, which is a global effort to restore 150 million hectares of ...

Earth Wire -- Global trade in wild African Grey Parrot banned, U.N. meeting rules

The United Nations has banned global trade in wild African Grey Parrots, prized for their ability to imitate human ...

Earth Wire -- Poaching rate of Sumatran tiger remains alarming

The poaching of Sumatran tigers across the island of Sumatra for trading remains at an alarming rate, though the ...