
Collection of demonstration news, found 809 news.

Indonesian public interest to go on hajj increasing

Indonesian public interest to meet one of Muslim`s duties in the five pillars of Islam by going on Hajj pilgrimage at ...

More than 300,000 Israelis protest against higher living cost

More than 300,000 Israelis took to the streets across the country Saturday night to protest against high living ...

Four Afghans killed as anti-NATO demonstration turns violent

At least four Afghans including a policeman were killed when police fired on an angry crowd in Afghanistan`s volatile ...

Police ready to secure demonstration In Papua

National Police Chief Gen. Timur Pradopo said police were ready to maintain security and guard a planned rally in ...

New Report: Exposing the Myths of FSC

-Stop the War on the Poor Campaign Documents the Economic Harm and Environmental Mythology of the Forest Stewardship ...

Residents block road leading to PLTU Bunton project

Scores of residents grouped in the Mitra Mandala Working Group, Adipala sub-district, Cilacap regency on Monday ...

Syrian regime must reform, says US ambassador

If the Syrian regime does not quickly address local protesters` demands for reform "the street will wash them away," ...

32 police wounded, 54 arrested in Chile student demo

At least 32 officers were wounded and 54 demonstrators were arrested here Thursday in a mass protest demanding more ...

Six civilians killed in NATO raid

An Afghan government spokesman on Thursday accused NATO of killing six civilians, including an 11-year-old girl, ...

1,667 arrested in Saturday`s rally in Malaysia

Malaysian police confirmed Sunday they arrested 1,667 activists who participated in street rallies in the center of ...

Yemen protesters tell Saleh sons to leave

Many thousands of protesters thronged the capital Sunday to demand that the two sons of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, ...

Vice President to open national farmers-fishermen`s week

Vice President Boediono is scheduled to open a National Farmers-Fishermen`s Week 2011 (Penas 2011) in Tenggarong, ...

Taiwanese tea impresses western tasters

A Taiwanese tea ceremony demonstration was held at the Smithsonian Institution`s Freer Gallery of Art in Washington, ...

Jordanian demonstrators call for sacking gov`t

Jordanians in different parts of the country took to the streets Friday, calling for sacking the government of Prime ...

Thailand again to hold trade expo in Jakarta

The Thai trade ministry and the Thai Trade Center in Jakarta will again organize a trade exhibition in Jakarta, June ...