#disease control

Collection of disease control news, found 244 news.

Developing nations must prioritize fight against cervical cancer

A Dutch gynecologist has called cervical cancer (or cancer of the cervix) a developing country disease because 80 ...

Beware of hepatitis, the silent killer

Indonesia just joined the world in observing World Hepatitis Day on July 28 launched by the World Health Organization ...

Cellestis Responds to World Health Organization Guidance on Use of Blood Tests

-     Blood Tests Still Necessary for Latent Disease; WHO Guidance is Not Applicable to ...

West Sumbawa`s MDGs program focuses on malaria, HIV/AIDS eradication

The West Sumbawa district administration, West Nusa Tenggara province is focusing on malaria, tuberculosis and ...

Unidentified lung disease found in family members

South Korea has detected what could be seen as the first case of members of the same family suffering from an ...

Death toll from E. Coli rises to 30

- A 57-year-old man died of E. coli infection in Germany`s Frankfurt Thursday, pushing the death toll from the bacteria ...

US proposes advertisers ditch junk food for kids

Food companies should revamp their marketing to children by advertising foods that are healthy, four U.S. agencies ...

Addressing malaria global elimination

- Malaria is known as a frightening specter across the world, especially in countries with vast tropical forests, such ...

Malignant malaria still haunts Indonesia

For many years, malaria has been a frightening specter across the world, especially in countries with vast areas of ...

Sumatra on alert as bird flu comes back

The sudden death of thousands of chickens has been reported in several cities on Sumatra Island over the past several ...

Padang hospital treats 27 bird flu suspects

A total of 27 patients suspected of being infected by bird flu virus have been treated in M Jamil Public Hospital in ...

Bengkulu still on bird flu alert

Bengkulu Province is still on alert of bird flu as H5N1 virus cases have been reported in every region in the ...

China discovers virus that killed 36 after betting tick bites

Chinese scientists have discovered a previously unknown virus carried by ticks which led to at least 36 deaths in six ...

Oscar(R) Nominees Receive (XTIO2 INC.) XTI 360(TM) Nano Coating Anti-Germ System

-        XTIO2 INC. (http://www.xti.tm) (XTI) presented the 83rd Academy(R) ...

Diabetes Heightens Risk Of Cancer Death - Study - (d)

Doctors know that diabetics have a higher than normal risk of dying of heart attacks or strokes, but new research on ...