#district heads

Collection of district heads news, found 727 news.

Rioting in Mankowari not connected to elections: Security minister

The recent incident of rioting in Manokwari, West Papua, should not be seen as election related, a senior security ...

Food diversification needs to be promoted

The government of Indonesia needs to continuously promote diversification of food to reduce the public dependence on ...

Finally, largest political parties back Ahok

Indonesia will see a lively contest in the regional head elections in February next year with 101 regions ...

President opens national meeting of District Legislative Councils

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) opened the first National Working Meeting of All-Indonesia District Legislative ...

President`s Inpres to propel development of RI`s outermost islands: Minister

Indonesias outermost islands development is expected to speed up after of the Presidential Instruction Number 7 of ...

President urges every region to set up inflation control team

President Joko Widodo has called on every district and city to set up a team to monitor and help control inflation in ...

President Jokowi orders expansion of small airports

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has issued a directive to expand small airports across Indonesia, starting 2017, to ...

Government offers apology over traffic jams in Brebes

Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo, on behalf of the government, offered an apology to the people especially over ...

Puan ensures allocation of natural disaster aid

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani ensures the aid in anticipation for disasters is ...

VP asks regional governments to use budget funds efficiently

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has asked regional governments to make efficient use of regional budget funds particularly ...

VP cautions regional heads against engaging in corrupt practices

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has called on the regional heads elected in the 2015 regional elections to steer clear of ...

President calls on regional heads to remain "cordial"

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has urged regional and deputy heads to continue to adopt a "cordial" approach while ...

Representatives of 31 US companies to visit East Java

Representatives of 31 United States (US) companies are set to visit East Java province on March 23 to hold talks with ...

People to compete for food and energy: President

People around the world will later compete for two basic needs which are energy and food as the global population ...

Government accelerating development of Lake Toba area

The Government of Indonesia is making every effort to accelerate the development of Lake Toba area in North Sumatra ...