#do not be afraid

Collection of do not be afraid news, found 595 news.

Agriculture minister to evaluate palm oil exports to Europe

Indonesian Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman will evaluate the export of palm oil and palm oil-based biodiesel ...

Minister inaugurates task force for women empowerment, child protection

Indonesias Women Empowerment and Child Protection Minister Yohana Yembise inaugurated 140 task forces for handling the ...

Supporters chanting "Agus for president"

A number of supporters of Jakarta gubernatorial election candidate Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono chanted "Agus for ...

Gere faults Trump for blurring meaning of "refugee & terrorist"

Actor and activist Richard Gere said that U.S. President Donald Trump has managed to merge the meaning of the words ...

Investment official asks people not to believe in rumors on foreign workers

The National Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has asked the public to not believe in rumors on the alleged influx ...

Sumatran tiger population in Sembilang Dangku has greatly diminished: observer

The population of the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) in the Sembilang Dangku landscape of South Sumatra is ...

Govt should focus on tapping fisheries resources

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) should now focus on the utilization of the countrys abundant ...

Surabaya mayor inaugurates mathematics house

Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini inaugurated a mathematics house for elementary and junior high school students in the ...

Gunman kills 39 in Istanbul nightclub attack, manhunt under way

A gunman opened fire on New Year revellers at a packed nightclub on the shores of Istanbuls Bosphorus waterway on ...

Kadin wants govt to focus on fisheries in 2017

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) wants the government to pay more attention to the marine and ...

Aleppo City is one, no more West, or East

Rolling his wheelchair through the rubble-strewn crossing of Bustan al-Qasr into the former rebel-held eastern Aleppo, ...

Many Brazilian women avioding pregnancy due to zika fears

Brazil should urgently review its reproductive health policies, scientists said on Friday, to support the more than 50 ...

Health minister promotes voluntary HIV test on World AIDS Day

Indonesias Health Minister Nila F Moeloek has promoted the voluntary HIV test for public during the commemoration of ...

Indonesia not affected by US` inward-looking policy

Indonesia will not be too affected if the US President-Elect Donald Trump chose to follow an inward-looking foreign ...

Government needs criticism, says opposition party leader

The government needs positive criticism from all parties, Indonesias opposition party leader Prabowo Subianto said ...