
Collection of doctor news, found 883 news.

Amadeus and OAG launch market-leading daily airline schedule updates for travel agencies

-     -- OAG processes up to 50,000 airline schedule-change messages per ...

Iraq bomb attacks against security kill five

A series of bomb attacks mostly targeting security forces, including a suicide car bombing, killed five people across ...

Attacks kill four in Iraq

Four people were killed and 15 others were wounded, including security forces in five separate attacks across Iraq on ...

Obituary - Indonesians mourn demise of minister Endang

In October 2010, many Indonesians were shocked to learn that Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih was suffering ...

Anas wife grilled at graft agency

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on Thursday questioned Athiyyah Laila, wife of the ruling Democrat Party ...

16 dead in tribal clashes in Libya's sabha

At least 16 people were killed on Saturday in new clashes between the Toubou people and Arab tribesmen in the southern ...

Poisonous Tomcat beetle strikes in Pamekasan

An outbreak of poisonous insects, known as Tomcat rove beetles, has again struck, infecting Islamic elementary teacher ...

U.N. secretary general hopes Ani Yudhoyono recovers soon

The United Nations (U.N) Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon expressed hope that First Lady Ani Yudhoyono would soon ...

First lady Ani Yudhoyono still awaiting medical measures

Presidential Spokesman Julian A Pasha said First Lady Ani Yudhoyono was in a good condition and the operation of her ...

Steelcase Introduces Dialogue to Unlock Human Promise at TED

-  - To Celebrate Its 100th Anniversary, Steelcase Sparks Conversation around the Future of Work through ...

Bomb kills seven after Pakistan ministers` meeting

A bomb killed at least seven people and wounded another 22 on Monday, targeting a public meeting attended by ...

Palangka Raya`s hospital treating 89 dengue patients

Palangka Raya`s Doris Sylvanus General Hospital is currently treating a total of 89 dengue fever patients or two ...

Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis Reduced Diarrhoea in Children

         A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 494 children showed that ...

Lion Air passenger dies

A passenger of Lion Air JT 366/786 from Surabaya to Tarakan, East Kalimantan, died at Sepinggan airport, Balikpapan, ...

Forty-four children in E Nusa Tenggara HIV/AIDS positive

Forty-four children under five years old in East Nusa Tenggara province have tested positive for HIV/AIDS, a doctor ...