#domestic gas

Collection of domestic gas news, found 44 news.

Government urged to take full control of Mahakam Block

Leading Indonesian oil expert Dr. Kurtubi said the government should take over full control of the Mahakam gas block ...

Tangguh LNG refinery plant stops operation for several weeks

The Tangguh Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant, Train II, in West Papua province, has stopped its operation for several ...

Gas produced after contract expiry to be used for domestic needs

After the work contracts of companies producing gas for exports expire, the gas produced will be used to meet domestic ...

Indonesian government reminded priority in gas sales for domestic market

The Indonesian lawmakers have reminded the government of its pledge to give priority to domestic market in gas sales. ...

Legislator calls for a halt to gas exports

A legislator warned the government to give priority to meeting domestic gas requirement especially to feed the ...

Industries complain of gas supply, planned price increase

Industries have so far complained of a gas supply shortage at their factories, and now they are complaining about the ...

Indonesia to review gas sales contract with Japan

The Indonesian government will review its gas sales contract with Japan in order to meet domestic needs particularly ...

President to issue energy efficiency order

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will soon issue a presidential order on energy efficiency, Minister/Chairman of ...

Domestic gas development increasingly expensive

An expert officer of the Upstream Oil and Gas Regulator (BP Migas) said that the development of gas fields at home ...

Govt seeking to renegotiate gas export contracts

The Indonesian government is seeking to renegotiate its gas export contracts to increase domestic supply. ...

Pertamina optimistic East Natuna contract finalized in October

State-owned oil/gas company Pertamina is optimistic a production sharing contract on the East Natuna Gas Block can be ...

Govt to build three LNG receiving terminals

The government plans to build three LNG (liquefied natural gas) storage terminals which are expected to start ...

Indonesia not to add gas exports to Japan

Indonesia has decided not to add gas exports to Japan to meet that country`s request following a drop in electricity ...

LNG importers double in 21st century

The number of liquefied natural gas importing countries is expected to double in the 21st century from the previous ...