#donald trump

Collection of donald trump news, found 426 news.

EIA: AS jadi eksportir netto gas alam pada 2017

Badan Informasi Energi AS (EIA) mengatakan pada Senin (19/3) bahwa Amerika Serikat telah mengekspor lebih banyak gas ...

Ketidakpastian politik tekan Wall Street

Saham-saham di Wall Street berakhir lebih rendah pada perdagangan Senin (Selasa pagi WIB), karena para investor terus ...

Indonesia ready to retaliate if Trump conducts trade war: VP

Indonesia is ready to retaliate if the government of the US President Donald Trump conducts a trade war against the ...

Sebelas negara tanda tangani kesepakatan perdagangan Trans-Pasifik

Sebelas negara diharapkan menandatangani sebuah perjanjian perdagangan Asia-Pasifik di Santiago, Chile pada Kamis, ...

Jakarta index closes lower on Friday

The Jakarta composite index (IHSG) closed 23.73 points lower on Friday still as a result of the Fed`s plan to raise ...

Indonesia`s interest in Afghanistan`s peace

Less than a month since President Joko Widodo`s visit to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on January 29, it is now ...

Trump, Israel`s Netanyahu to meet at White House

U.S. President Donald Trump will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a meeting at the White House on ...

us will be forced to cooperate than compete: Official

The United States will be forced to cooperate than compete with other major powers, considering that many major powers ...

Indonesia, US maintain momentum for bilateral relations

The Indonesian government had received the visit of Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, ...

Examining the dangers of post-truth

Just two days after President Joko Widodo on Monday, January 8, in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, reminded all elements ...

Indonesia remains stable despite `US shutdown`: VP

Indonesia will remain stable despite the US government shutdown of public services, Vice President Jusuf Kalla said ...

Marsudi receives phone call from Tillerson

Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi on Monday received a 30-minute call from US Secretary of State ...

US Ambassador to Panama resigns, says cannot serve trump

U.S. Ambassador to Panama John D. Feeley, a career diplomat and former Marine Corps helicopter pilot, has resigned, ...

Laba perusahaan dorong Wall Street berakhir di rekor tertinggi

Saham-saham di Wall Street menguat dan berakhir di rekor tertinggi pada Kamis (Jumat pagi WIB), karena para investor ...

UN Security Council meeting on protests a Trump 'foreign policy blunder'

A United Nations Security Council meeting that centered on anti-government protests in Iran was another foreign policy ...