Indonesia has expressed concern over the recent developments in Syria after the US and its allies fired more than 100 ...
ASEAN must remain neutral in the United States-China trade war in an effort to maintain peace and stability in the ...
Muslim-based United Development Party (PPP) will invite Hamas leader Ismail Haniya to come to Indonesia to explain the ...
Karena kepentingan bisnis AS di Tiongkok jauh lebih besar daripada apa yang ditunjukkan oleh data perdagangan, perang ...
Wall Street berakhir lebih rendah setelah berfluktuasi pada Rabu (Kamis pagi WIB), karena kenaikan di sektor kebutuhan ...
A looming trade war between the US and China may have a far-reaching impact on Indonesia unless it is solved ...
ASEAN member countries open a dialogue with the Government of the People`s Republic of China and the United States ...
Indonesia's chief economic minister Darmin Nasution said the country will not be directly affected by the US-China ...
Badan Informasi Energi AS (EIA) mengatakan pada Senin (19/3) bahwa Amerika Serikat telah mengekspor lebih banyak gas ...
Saham-saham di Wall Street berakhir lebih rendah pada perdagangan Senin (Selasa pagi WIB), karena para investor terus ...
Indonesia is ready to retaliate if the government of the US President Donald Trump conducts a trade war against the ...
Sebelas negara diharapkan menandatangani sebuah perjanjian perdagangan Asia-Pasifik di Santiago, Chile pada Kamis, ...
The Jakarta composite index (IHSG) closed 23.73 points lower on Friday still as a result of the Fed`s plan to raise ...
Less than a month since President Joko Widodo`s visit to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on January 29, it is now ...
U.S. President Donald Trump will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a meeting at the White House on ...