Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) researcher Assyifa Szami Ilman said it was hard to predict when the ...
The rupiah exchange rate traded among banks in Jakarta on Thursday is forecast to fall further, as the trade war ...
Indonesia's rupiah extended its decline against the US dollar, trading at Rp14,302, Wednesday morning, tanking 22 ...
Global economic gains are occurring, albeit at a slower-than-expected pace, along with less uncertainty originating in ...
Fake news has turned out to be the next wave of misinformation warfare in the digital era following the election of ...
The sentiment arising from the trade dispute between the United States and China is forecast to hang heavy over the ...
Bank Indonesia said the trend of the rupiah weakening against the US dollar, which has been going on for at least the ...
The Indonesian rupiah weakened against the US dollar on the interbank Jakarta spot market on Monday evening with a ...
The rupiah dropped 25 points against the US dollar in the Jakarta inter-bank market, Wednesday evening, just a day ...
Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita has maintained his composure and remained undeterred by the first-quarter trade ...
Indonesia booked a US$540 million trade surplus in March 2019 in comparison with 330 million in February, the Central ...
The rupiah continued its rally against the US dollar in the Jakarta interbank market over the weekend, strengthening 50 ...
Indonesia has rejected the recognition of Golan Heights as part of Israel. Instead, Jakarta views that Golan Heights ...
Top South Korean and US diplomats are scheduled to meet in Washington later this week to discuss countermeasures ...
The reunification of South Korea and North Korea is the constitutional task of the two countries that deserves support ...