#down payment

Collection of down payment news, found 1.958 news.

The Post-'80s become the main force of outbound tourism while UnionPay improves payment experiences for in-depth travels

-According to the data released by China's National Tourism Administration, 59.03 million Chinese people travelled ...

90% of chain convenience stores in Japan accept UnionPay credit cards

-   After all 7-11, Lawson, FamilyMart and Circle K Sunkus chain stores in Japan have accepted UnionPay ...

Report: UnionPay cards support China's outbound tourism

-On September 8, UnionPay International and China Tourism Academy released the Annual Report on China's Outbound ...

Bank Indonesia to launch national payment gateway

Bank Indonesia will soon issue a new policy in payment system -- "National Payment Gateway" (NPG.

UnionPay offers secure and convenient payment service for Chinese students studying abroad

-As the new semester begins, Chinese students who study overseas are going abroad. It is learnt that over 2,000 ...

Minister believes non-tax revenues from fisheries are not stagnant

Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Susi Pudjiastuti believes non-tax revenues (PNBP) from the marine and ...

UnionPay HCE mobile QuickPass launched in Macau

-UnionPay International and ICBC jointly announced on August 17, that they are launching UnionPay HCE mobile QuickPass ...

Bank of indonesia scrutinizes payment systems to monitor drug transactions

Bank of Indonesia has confirmed it will keep an eye on payment systems, along with their supporting institutions, to ...

Balance of payment surplus predicted to continue this year

Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo predicted the country would continue to chalk up surplus in its balance of ...

Capital market hopes for success of tax amnesty program

The Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) is of the view that industry players in the capital market expect the tax amnesty ...

Indonesia`s July forex reserves surge to $111.4 billion

Bank Indonesia (BI) has reported that Indonesian foreign exchange reserves at the end of July had increased by $1.6 ...

Warning against tax evasion: Indonesia to adopt aeoi next year

Indonesia will be among the first to join the group of countries adopting the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) ...

Central bank against credits for motor vehicles without down payment

Bank Indonesia said it does not agree with plan of the Financial Service Authority (OJK) to scrap regulation requiring ...

Halal tourism to grow rapidly

Halal tourism sector is considered to grow rapidly that every side has to respond this potential to develop business ...

Geniee Inc. announces notice of a capital increase through third-party allocation and transfer of outstanding shares

- Geniee, Inc. (Head Office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Tomoaki Kudo; hereinafter, "Geniee") announces ...