
Collection of dynamics news, found 1.000 news.

Political atmosphere in 2012 to heat up : President

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono called on all government officials to keep working hard and concentrate on their ...

Myanmar must consistently implement asean`s political principles

When assuming the position of ASEAN chairman in 2014, Myanmar is expected to consistently implement the ...

RI`s foreign policy consistently promoting positive change

Indonesia had consistently managed and promoted change for the better in its foreign policy amid global uncertainty ...

S. Korea, China hold taalks after Kim`s death

Senior South Korean and Chinese officials held talks Tuesday to discuss the aftermath of the death of North Korean ...

Police deny 30 died in Mesuji clashes

National Police Chief General Timur Pradopo has denied that 30 people had died in clashes with the police in Mesuji ...

Nineteenth Asean Summit starts on thursday

The 19th ASEAN Summit starts here on Thursday with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as host of the event welcoming ...

If Jane Austen lived today, she`d be a blogger

Dear reader, if Jane Austen lived today, she`d be an avid blogger, she`d be on Facebook, and of course she`d also be ...

VP Boediono opens LIPI Expo 2011

Vice President Boediono opened LIPI EXPO 2011 at his palace on Monday, and hoped LIPI would be able to increase the ...

news focus: police deploy more personnel to defuse tensions in Papua

Following a series of shooting incidents in Papua Province that killed several people, including Mulia Sector Police ...

RI govt alert over separatist-flag-raising actions in Papua

Chief security minister Djoko Suyanto said the government, the security apparatus in particular, was paying special ...

President Yudhoyono hosts luncheon for Malaysian PM

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono hosted a luncheon for Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak at Lombok Novotel Hotel ...

President gathering special staffers at Cikeas

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono gathered his special staff members at his private residence in Cikeas, Bogor, West ...

Air Force Academy has new governor

Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal Imam Sufaat on Friday installed Rear Marshal Bambang Samoedro as governor of the Air ...

Nazaruddin needs protection: Hendardi

Setara Institute Chairman Hendardi said the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPKS) and police must provide ...

News Focus: Witness protection urged for Nazaruddin

Corruption suspect and former Democrat Party (PD) treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin whom police have been pursuing for ...