#east java province

Collection of east java province news, found 903 news.

Indonesia's COVID-19 case tally reaches 46,845; recoveries at 18,735

Indonesia’s coronavirus case count touched 46,845 on June 22, 2020, with 18,735 people recovering from the ...

East Java's Pacitan District rattled by 5.0-magnitude quake

A 5.0-magnitude earthquake hit Pacitan District in East Java Province on early Monday, but the tremors were felt by not ...

15 toll road sections to be inaugurated in 2020: Ministry

based cashless transaction of the toll road system project for the toll road sector, he stated, adding that four toll ...

Hospital beds at referral hospitals available for Surabaya's COVID-19

Vacant beds at referral hospitals around Surabaya City are currently within easier reach for its residents diagnosed ...

COVID-19 recoveries in Surabaya City reach 867: task force

The Surabaya city government's COVID-19 Task Force confirmed that 867 COVID-19 patients had made a complete ...

Surabaya, Sidoarjo, and Gresik suggest ending PSBB

The administrators of Surabaya City and Sidoarjo and Gresik districts on Monday called to put an end to the enforcement ...

Use telecommunication technology for tracking COVID-19 cases: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) called for more aggressive tracking of COVID-19 infections and their spread by utilizing ...

Streamline COVID-19 data management via single portal service: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) called to streamline COVID-19 related data to be more organized and channeled through a ...

Toddler in Jember, East Java, contracts COVID-19 infection from father

A toddler in Cumedak Village, Sumberjambe Sub-district, Jember District, East Java Province, got infected with the ...

BIN provides thousands of medical equipment, PPEs in COVID-19 fight

The Indonesian National Intelligence Agency (BIN) has provided thousands of medical devices and personal protective ...

Jakarta's COVID-19 curve has begun flattening: Task Force Chief

The curve of COVID-19 infections in Jakarta has begun to flatten based on the risk map, chief of the expert team of the ...

Difficult to make vaccine due to COVID-19 mutation: biologist

A professor of cell biology at Malang-based Brawijaya University has said the tendency of the coronavirus to mutate ...

COVID-19 task force confirms death of nurse in Surabaya City

A nurse of Dr Soewandhie Public Hospital's stroke unit in Surabaya, the capital of East Java Province, passed away ...

Two children under surveillance for COVID-19 die in East Java

Two children below the age of five and categorized as patients under surveillance for the novel coronavirus disease ...

Jellyfish swarm waters near Paiton power plant in East Java

An influx of thousands of jellyfish was observed in the waters near the Paiton coal-fired power plants in Probolinggo ...