#east kutai

Collection of east kutai news, found 52 news.

Suryadharma ready to become presidential candidate

Indonesias Islamic-based United Development Party (PPP) chairman, Suryadharma Ali expressed his readiness to become ...

Indonesia joins global road safety movement to reduce traffic accidents

Driving in Jakarta is very challenging, if not very scary, for some people as the capital citys roads are mostly ...

Dahlan Iskan wants to improve democrat party

State-owned Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan has said he wanted to improve Democrat party from its negative image if ...

Dahlan Iskan sure to participate in Democratic Party convention

State-Owned Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan announced his willingness to participate in the Democratic Party ...

Orangutans at Kutai National Park attract tourists

Kalimantan orangutans have attracted domestic and foreign tourists visiting Preveb at the Kutai National Park (TNK) in ...

Indonesia Exceeds Target of Annual One-billion Tree Planting Movement

Thousands of Indonesians - from the President to farmers - throughout the country planted trees to mark the ...

MP3EI not image-building project

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has dismissed accusations that the government`s Master Plan for the Acceleration ...

British Company Churchill Mining Plc Published False Information and Blackmails Indonesian Governmen

British company Churchill Mining Plc published false information. In May 2008, Churchill announced the finding of 150 ...

NTSC appoints 2-member team to investigate Piper Aircraft crash

The National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC - KNKT) will be conducting an immediate investigation into the ...

survey aircraft found burnt in east kalimantan - (d)

A survey aircraft that when missing near Mount Pilar Sangatta in East Kutai, East Kalimantan on Friday (Aug 24), was ...

British Company Blackmails Indonesian Govt $2 B, lawyer says

 Jakarta (ANTARA News) – British company Churchill Mining Plc is blackmailing the Indonesian government ...

Orangutans Free At Last

In the Indonesian or Malay language, the word "orangutan" literally means "man of the forest", and this is not so ...

East Kutai to develop Maloy int`l industrial port zonea

The East Kutai district administration is to make 4,500 hectares of land available for the development of its Maloy ...

East Kutai govt to build houses for poor

The East Kutai district government in East Kalimantan has allocated Rp10 billion to build houses for the poor in ...

Orangutan hunting still continuing in E Kalimantan

The Center for Orangutan Protection (COP) said orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus moria) continue to be targeted by hunters in ...