
Collection of egyptian news, found 630 news.

Russia cautions against `foreign ultimatums` for Egypt

Russia on Thursday cautioned against foreign interference in Egypt`s affairs, saying its politicians should themselves ...

UN flying staff, families out of Egypt to Cyprus

Around 600 United Nations staff and their families are to be airlifted to Cyprus on Thursday as the security situation ...

"Solidarity march" for Egyptians held in New Delhi

New Delhi (ANTARA News/IRNA-OANA) ? A massive march shouting ?Quit Hosni Mubarak? was held at the Egyptian Embassy in ...

Embassy denies Indonesian becomes victim of Egyptian clash

The Indonesian Embassy in Egypt denied on Thursday a report that an Indonesian named I Manda Amalia had become victim ...

Egypt PM ready to go to Tahrir square to meet protesters

New Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq said on Thursday he was ready to go to Tahrir Square, the scene of massive ...

Dipo regrets Sultan`s remarks

Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam has expressed regret over the statement of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono who said that it was ...

ASEAN countries to cooperate in Citizens` protection in Egypt

Members of the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) agree to cooperate in an effort to protect its citizen in ...

Egypt turmoil may push up world oil price : Observer

The turmoil in Egypt can cause a surge in world oil prices as a result of a contagion effects in several oil ...

Russia not to interfere in Egypt`s conflict

Russia is not interfering much in the political situation in Egypt and believes that the country can resolve the ...

Egypt standoff has become horizontal conflict : Former FM

The counter-demonstrations by Hosni Mubarak supporters in Egypt have turned the political standoff there into a ...

"Mubarak`s decision not to step down dangerous

Middle East affairs analyst and Managing Editor of Al-Wifaq Arab language daily said here Wednesday highly sensitive ...

US should cut Egypt military aid amid violence: HRW

The United States should cut off its massive military aid to Egypt if further violence targets anti-government ...

Berlin warns Mubarak of harsh reaction over pro-democracy repression

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle here Wednesday evening warned Egyptian government of harsh international ...

Fatah joins Zionist regime in support of Mubarak

The foreign policy advisor of Fatah, Abdallah Al-Frangi voiced strong support for Mubarak regime amid latest bloody ...

France 24 journalists detained in Egypt

French international news channel France 24 said on Wednesday that three of its journalists had been detained while ...