
Collection of electrical news, found 981 news.

ADB ready to help Indonesia`s infrastructure development

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is ready to increase its loans to Indonesia to develop infrastructure, ADB President ...

UL whitepaper by Chief Economist Dr. Erin Grossi outlines renewable energy success with power grids in Germany & potential opportunities for other nations

- UL, a global safety science organization, recently conducted a study to learn what Germany is doing to ...

See smart home industry in China at AWE2016

- AWE2016, an important event for the Chinese household appliance industry, is set to kick off in March ...

Govt operating marine vessel power plant in N Sulawesi

The Indonesian government is operating a marine vessel power plant (MVVP) called Zeynep Sultan to deal with electrical ...

Surabaya determines Indonesia`s Ease of Doing Business ranking

Indonesian Chamber of Commerce of Surabaya, East Java province, assesses that this city can determine Indonesias Ease ...

Siemens studies participation in Indonesia`s electricity program

German company Siemens Energy Sector is studying the possibility of taking part in the governments program in the ...

Government to establish special body to develop new, renewable energy

The Indonesian government is planning to set up a special corporate body to develop new and renewable energy in ...

Government to provide power-plant vessel to NTT

The government will provide a 60 megawatt power-plant vessel to East Nusa Tenggara Province. "The ship will ...

President to prioritize electrical development in Eastern Indonesia

The government will prioritize the development of electricity in Eastern Indonesia, President Joko Widodo has ...

Five ministers discuss annual inflation

Five ministers of the working cabinet gathered at Bank Indonesias office on Wednesday to discuss the projected ...

Panasonic to start production of heat-resistant phenolic molding compounds for automotive parts in Ayutthaya, Thailand

- Panasonic Corporation’s Automotive & Industrial Systems Company will launch a production line for ...

Japan is potential investor for Indonesia in 2016

Indonesia which is intensively carrying out development to advance its economy needs a lot of funds to develop its ...

RI`s imports in November up 3.61 percent

Indonesias imports in November 2015 rose by 3.61 percent to US$11.51 billion from US$11.10 billion a month earlier, ...

Mandalika resort to help boost economic growth

The accelerated development of the Mandalika resort in Central Lombok aims to help improve economic growth in ...

VP Kalla reviews preparation to build hotels in Mandalika

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla had the opportunity to review the preparations for the construction of four five-star ...