Indonesias chief political and security minister Wiranto said here on Monday that any disruption to Jakarta election ...
Indonesia will keep proposing games that would potentially contribute to medals to the Asia Olympic Council (OCA), ...
The Nobel Prize winner in Economics in 2003, Professor Robert Fry Engle III, has received an honorary doctorate degree ...
On the day of his inauguration, the United States President Donald Trump stated that he was going to prioritize ...
The Brazilian government announced Friday that the number of confirmed deaths caused by a yellow fever outbreak has ...
Public stigma attached to leprosy is hampering efforts to eradicate the disease in some regions as people afflicted ...
The Chairman of the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association (ICMI) Jimly Asshiddiqie stated that the national ...
Indonesia and Pakistan, as two of the worlds most populous Muslim-majority countries, should join forces in countering ...
- Facial contouring or facial sculpting is a way in which you can change the contours of the face as ...
The governments tax amnesty program has given positive sentiment to the domestic market with index of Indonesian Stock ...
Indonesian Ambassador to Russia Wahid Supriyadi expressed Indonesian interest in Russian amphibious vehicles and ...
Congressional Republicans are looking for the quickest ways to tear down Obamacare following Donald Trumps election as ...
Eating an egg a day may cut the risk of stroke by 12 percent, a new study funded by the American Egg Board said. ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked governors to take concrete steps to eradicate illegal levies, a malpractice ...
Taxpayers belonging to the middle and low-income strata should not worry about the governments tax amnesty program ...