
Collection of endangered news, found 474 news.

Sumatran rhino in Lampung on brink of extinction

The Sumatran rhinoceros in Lampung Province is on the brink of extinction duo to poaching activities and weak law ...

Govt urged to pay serious attention to javan rhino

The government should pay serious attention to the survival of the Javan Rhinoceros (rhinoceros sondaicus) whose ...

Unique wild cats found in Riau forests

Five unique species of cats had been discovered in Indonesian Riau`s forests after a recent research by the World ...

Canada bolsters protection of polar bears

Canada`s environment minister on Thursday listed the polar bear as a species of "special concern," requiring a new ...

Interpol bid to protect threatened tiger

Interpol on Wednesday launched a new campaign to coordinate the global fight against tiger poaching, warning that ...

Mount Lokon erupts again

Mount Lokon in North Sulawesi province erupted again at 17.19 local time after showing increased volcanic seismici ...

news focus: Sumatran tigers need to be protected

It`s tragic that amid a "Save Tigers` Home" tour in Sumatra by an NGO, a Sumatran tiger (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) was ...

German official urges protection of mosques amid fireboming wave

A leading official of Chancellor Angela Merkel`s Christian Democratic (CDU) party emphasized the need to protect ...

Biosphere reserves should improve local people`s livelihoods

Besides protecting the ecology and biodiversity, the existence of biosphere reserves in Indonesia should also improve ...

Komodo Island promotion activities being intensified

The tourism and culture ministry has decided to withdraw the candidacy of Komodo for inclusion in the New Seven ...

news focus: rainforest conservation, law enforcement crucial for orangutan`s survival

Indonesia is home to the world`s remaining population of critically endangered orangutans found on Sumatra and ...

Anti-oil palm industry campaigns must be countered

Industry Minister MS Hidayat said black campaigns against the oil palm industry must be countered because in reality ...

Riau to host biosphere discussion

A total of 18 countries will participate in a discussion on Man and Biosphere concepts in Pekanbaru, Riau province, ...

Greenpeace calls for protection of sumatran forest to save tigers

On the eighth day of the Greenpeace "Tiger Eyes" tour, five Greenpeace activists arrived in the area around the ...

Sumatran tiger population now only 400 : Greenpeace

The tiger population in the wild in Sumatra is believed to have dwindled to only 400 heads due to illegal logging in ...