Indonesia, along with the entire world, will observe World Environment Day (WED), which has been commemorated every ...
The 20th ASEAN Summit held in the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh has officially ended, following a closing session ...
- China's largest trade fair takes on greater role in global economic ...
Why does democracy have to be promoted to ensure it will become a government system applied throughout the world ? ...
The ADB Board of Directors in Manila, Friday, approved a $180 million loan for the Regional Roads Development Project, ...
- Philip Morris Asia Limited (PMA), Hong Kong, owner of Australian affiliate, Philip Morris ...
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will not allow itself to become an arena for big power ...
Indonesia`s vovinam team reached its target of five golds after grabbing its fifth gold medal in the 26th Southeast ...
President Susilo Yudhoyono has called for quick and effective efforts to overcome the European economic crisis as ...
South African President Jacob Zuma on Wednesday voiced his country`s support for Palestine`s statehood, urging the UN ...
Maluku Governor Karel Albert Ralahalu will soon form a team to study the provincial capital relocation plan. The ...
Sitting in an area with wide unpopulated tracts of land, the Central Maluku district town of Masohi is currently ...
Maluku provincial administration plans to relocate the capital city of Ambon to Masohi on Seram island in 2012, an NGO ...
As part of the agenda of "development for all", the government last May 2011 launched the Master Plan for the ...
ASEAN economy has proven itself to be resilient, but there are lingering challenges and risks, including the sovereign ...