
Collection of examination news, found 1.057 news.

President Joko Widodo highlights shallot, sugar prices still high

President Joko Widodo is persistently endeavoring to find a solution to bring down the prices of shallots and sugar ...

News Focus

Indonesia channels spirit of 'gotong royong' in COVID-19 battle

Since it first emerged in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, the coronavirus disease has spread to 211 countries and ...

Indonesia records 1,522 recoveries out of 10,118 confirmed cases

An additional 131 people in Indonesia recovered from COVID-19, Wednesday noon, thereby bringing the total number of ...

COVID-19 Task Force seeks more medical volunteers

The Task Force for Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling is falling short of medical volunteers, according to the task ...

COVID-19 Task Force temporarily stops accepting non-medical volunteers

The Task Force for Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling has put a temporary stop to accepting non-medical volunteers, ...

Two elderly Ukrainians found dead in Bali apartment

Two Ukrainian nationals, identified as Tamara, 53, and Andrey,54, were found dead in an apartment located in ...

COVID-19: No new cases in 19 Indonesian provinces; 1,151 recoveries

With 44 more patients recovering from the novel coronavirus disease in the country, the total number of recoveries has ...

Jakarta Emergency Hospital records rise in COVID-19 inpatients

The Wisma Atlet (Athlete's Village) Emergency Hospital (RSD) for COVID-19 treatment in Kemayoran, here, on Sunday ...

Indonesia records 8,607 confirmed COVID-19 cases, 1,042 recoveries

Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Response reported that patients recovering from COVID-19 rose by 40 to ...

Police arrest US national for possession of liquid synthetic cannabis

The West Kalimantan Provincial Police arrested a 67-year-old US national, identified by his initials as LRS, on charges ...

Self-quarantine underway for 33 fishermen arriving in Gunung Kidul

Some 33 fishermen from Pekalongan District, Central Java, arriving at Sadeng Beach, Gunung Kidul District, Yogyakarta ...

Padang's main market becomes center of COVID-19 transmission

Padang's main market, Pasar Raya, has become a center of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission following a ...

Task force confirms recovery of COVID-infected toddler from Cilacap

A four-year-old toddler, identified as AL, residing in Bulupayung Village, Cilacap District, Central Java, was declared ...

President instructs officials to ensure adequate medical devices

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on government officials to ensure sufficient supply of medical devices, ...

Ministry imposes import relaxation on PPE, health equipment

Trade Minister Agus Suparmanto has imposed relaxation on export and import regulation on health equipment and personal ...