
Collection of exercise news, found 1.682 news.

Britain would fight to keep the Falklands

Prime Minister David Cameron said a strong message Sunday Britain was prepared to fight militarily to keep the ...

Argentina`s president urges Falklands talks with Britain

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez called for talks with Britain over the disputed Falkland Islands in an open ...

Indonesia delivers aid to victims of typhoon bopha

The Indonesian Minister for People`s Welfare, Agung Laksono, arrived in the Philippine southern island of Mindanao on ...

Agung Laksono to extend aid to victims of Bopha storm

Indonesia`s chief minister for people`s welfare, Agung Laksono, has arrived at the Sam Ratulangi Airport in Manado, ...

Rupiah gains 30 points against US dollar

The Indonesian currency rupiah gains 30 points against the US dollar this morning with market players seeing a number ...

Indonesia did not have major natural disasters in 2012

Indonesia, a country which is prone to natural disasters - floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, droughts, tsunamis ...

UMCG Enrolls First Patients in PneumRx RENEW Pivotal Trial for Treatment of Severe Emphysema

- PneumRx, Inc., a leader in interventional pulmonology, announced today that University Medical Center Groningen has ...

Novo Nordisk to Create the World's First All-diabetes Professional Cycling Team

-     Novo Nordisk today announced a unique partnership to form Team Novo Nordisk, a global sports ...

Telome Health Plans Launch of TeloTest(TM), a Novel Wellness Biomarker Based on Telomere Length

- Telome Health, Inc. (THI), developer of the TeloTest(TM) diagnostic test that measures average telomere length, ...

Saudi F-15 jet crashes on training mission, pilot missing

A Royal Saudi Air Force F-15 Eagle jet crashed in the Gulf during a routine training exercise late on Sunday and the ...

World Growth Press Release Monday December 2 2012

-NGO: Green misuse of 'prior consent' on land use will limit economic growth in developing countries ...

Indonesia Red Cross holds flood simulation exercise with Norwegian's

Indonesia Red Cross (PMI) of Bojonegoro district, East Java province, has held a flood simulation exercise in ...

Rainy season sees parts of Indonesia hit by floods, landslides

The rainy season has only begun in Indonesia, which has only two seasons, rainy (November to March) and dry (June to ...

Jakarta prepared for floods

The Jakarta administration has made adequate preparations in anticipation of floods, according to Jakarta Governor ...

Indonesian athletes to promote tourism in New York marathon

A team of Indonesian athletes will promote Indonesian tourism while participating in New York City Marathon (NYCM) in ...