Indonesia`s oil production can be boosted by reactivating the many old but still productive oil wells it has ...
State oil and gas company PT Pertamina planned to increase West Madura block oil production to 30,000 barrels per ...
The West Java provincial administration plans to conduct geothermal explorations in eleven points in West Java, ...
NASA`s Messenger spacecraft, the first ever to enter the orbit of Mercury, has fetched its first photo, the project`s ...
The upstream oil and gas regulator (BP Migas) disclosed that up to March 2011 oil production reached only 883,000 ...
Indonesia is exploring the possibility of increasing trade and investment relations with Syria as the two countries ...
Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan said the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) to be soon enacted by timber ...
- Faced with the rapid change of the mobile terminal industry, traditional publishers have ...
The government is now wary of a potential surge in the world oil price as a consequence of the political upheavals in ...
Indonesia must be able to accomplish positive things as the ASEAN chair in 2011, an international relations observer ...
The government will sign a number of coal bed methane cooperation contracts offered in 2010, a senior energy official ...
ASEAN is exploring the possibility of entering the competition for one of its 10 member countries to host the FIFA ...
Indonesia and the US are to conduct more deep-sea explorations in Indonesian waters after successfully completing the ...
US President Barack Obama when visiting Indonesia in November 2010, said that the US government was sincerely striving ...
Chairman of the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) Marzan A. Iskandar said a number of new ...