
Collection of exports news, found 4.616 news.

Village SDGs-based data determines village development: Minister

Village data based on Village Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can become a foundation to determine the direction ...

PTPN V disburses 12-ton cheap cooking oil, sugar in Riau

State-run agricultural company PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) V disbursed 12 tons of cheap cooking oil and sugar to ...

AGO grills two officials over CPO export-related corruption case

The Attorney General's Office (AGO) is questioning two officials of the Trade Ministry as witnesses in the alleged ...

Jokowi explains ban on CPO, cooking oil exports

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Wednesday explained why his administration has decided to ban the export of cooking ...

Govt prepares two ways to distribute cooking oil at Rp14,000/liter

The government has prepared two ways to distribute cooking oil to the public at Rp14 thousand per liter, Coordinating ...

Expect business matching to boost domestic goods procurement: minister

Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Minister Teten Masduki has said that he expects the implementation ...

DIY exporters pushed to optimize international flight services at YIA

State-owned airport operator Angkasa Pura (AP) I at the Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) encourages regional ...

Processing industry to drive economy in 2023: Bappenas

The processing industry sector is expected to emerge as the driving force of the economy in 2023, when economic growth ...

Ministry trains three thousand women in digital entrepreneurship

To commemorate 2022 Kartini Day, the Communication and Informatics Ministry conducted a training program for three ...

Russia-Ukraine war's economic impact on Indonesia relatively small

The economic impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on Indonesia was relatively small, as the two countries were not major ...

State revenue at Rp501 trillion as of March: finance minister

The realization of state revenue reached Rp501 trillion as of March, an increase of 32.1 percent from Rp379.4 trillion ...

Jokowi urges officials to investigate alleged cooking oil corruption

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on law enforcement officials to fully investigate alleged corruption in the ...

Indonesia corners 15% share of global tuna production

Indonesia has cornered a 15-percent share of tuna, skipjack, and mackerel tuna production globally to emerge as the ...

Ministry, private firm cooperate to expand village products' exports

The Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration is cooperating with a private ...

Indonesia's trade balance records surplus of US$4.53 billion

Indonesia’s trade balance registered a surplus of US$4.53 billion in March 2022, with exports valued at US$26.50 ...