
Collection of fall news, found 2.131 news.

Wintermar Offshore Marine (IDX:WINS) Records 6% Growth in Gross Profit for 9M2014

PT Wintermar Offshore Marine (IDX:WINS) today reported gross profit for the nine months rose to USD 46.5million ...

Government recognizes DPP of PPP under Romahurmuziy

The government has given its recognition to the Central Executive Board (DPP) of the United Development party (PPP) ...

Jokowi`s Pledge To revive Indonesia`s Maritime Supremacy Lauded

Indonesias new President, Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, is expected to announce his cabinet that will include a minister to ...

N Sumatra`s fruit exports rise 68 percent to us$149 million

One of provinces in Indonesia's Sumatra Island, North Sumatra, recorded a 68.75 percent surge in its fruit exports in ...

Total CEO de Margerie killed as Moscow jet hits snow plough

The chief executive of French oil major Total, Christophe de Margerie, was killed when his private jet collided with a ...

Jokowi-Prabowo encounter ends inauguration sabotage rumors

The meeting between President-elect Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and ex-Presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto on Friday put ...

No efforts to thwart Jokowi`s inauguration: Intelligence

Head of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) Lieutenant General Marciano Norman said there had not been any ...

Jakarta composite index opens lower

After closing higher on Wednesday, the Jakarta composite index opened lower on Thursday to follow negative sentiment ...

Tax receipts expected to fall short of target

Director General of Taxation Fuad Rahmany has predicted that tax receipts in 2014 will fall short of the target of ...

TNI conducts show of force of weaponry system in Surabaya

The Indonesian Military conducted a show of force of main weaponry systems on the 69th anniversary celebration of the ...

Indonesia`s foreign exchange reserves US$60 million lower

Indonesias foreign exchange reserves fell US$60 million by the end of September from US$111.224 billion a month ...

American Capital Energy & Infrastructure's Platform Company, BMR Energy, Receives Final Power Purchase Agreement for Project with Jamaica Public Service Company Limited

- American Capital Energy & Infrastructure ("ACEI") announced today that its platform company, BMR Energy, LLC ...

Jakarta index closes slightly higher

The Jakarta composite index (JCI) closed slightly higher on Monday on buying action by investors. The index of ...

CPO export tax to be abolished in October

The government will abolished the export tax on crude palm oil in October following the shrinking price of that ...

Jakarta index closes lower on Wednesday

The Jakarta composite index (JCI) closed 0.27 percent lower on Wednesday on profit taking by foreign investors. ...