
Collection of fish news, found 2.292 news.

Indonesia, Australia finalize negotiation on CPO trade agreement

The Indonesian and Australian governments are finalizing negotiations on crude palm oil trade, Trade Minister ...

Minister issues ultimatum to ban European import commodities

Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita affirmed here on Monday that Indonesia will stop importing commodities from ...

President Jokowi calls on people to consume local food

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has urged the people to consume local foods as the main nutritional intake to prevent ...

Garam Dunia to invest Rp1.8 trillion in salt project in East Nusa Tenggara

PT Puncak Keemasan Garam Dunia (PKGD) will invest around Rp1.8 trillion to build thousands of hectares of salt ponds ...

Indonesia highlights importance of agriculture sector at WTO

Indonesia has reiterated the importance of the agricultural sector during a meeting of the World Trade Organization ...

Plastic waste can be a time bomb

Plastic and Styrofoam products have made life so simple and easy for mankind. Plastic bags, plastic dishes, and ...

Minister asks Freeport to help overcome plastic waste

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti has asked PT Freeport Indonesia to help overcome the plastic ...

West Sumatra`s ornamental fish exports dominate Singapore`s market

West Sumatra`s ornamental freshwater and sea fish have a viable market, especially for exports to Singapore, Yos Meri, ...

ASEAN, Australian leaders attend special summit`s plenary session

Leaders from 10 ASEAN member countries and Australia attended a plenary session of the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit ...

President agrees on regulation to import industrial salt

President Joko Widodo has agreed to a government regulation allowing the import of industrial salt, Coordinating ...

Jakarta Bay pollution a threat to future`s generation

Pollution of the Jakarta Bay has caused great concern for people aware of the extent of damage it could cause to the ...

Government committed to reducing plastic waste: Ministry

The Indonesian government has committed to reducing plastic waste in its maritime areas, Expert Staff for Marine ...

Stranded sperm whale in Situbondo successfully saved

The sperm whale stranded on the coast of Situbondo, East Java, since Thursday evening has successfully been saved by ...

Balanced diet for prevention of malnutrition

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is considered the best way to prevent malnutrition in Indonesia, where more than 12 ...

Two Chinese crew fined over illegal fishing

Two suspects in the case of illegal fishing by a Chinese fishing ship in eastern Indonesian waters have been sentenced ...