
Collection of fish news, found 2.292 news.

Plastics make up 37 percent of garbage polluting Indonesian seas

Around 37 percent of 1.2 million tons of garbage polluting Indonesian seas are plastics, which could not easily be ...

Mafia operating on Mount Botak: legislator

Reentry of thousands of illegal gold miners on Mount Botak despite repeated closure by the government is inseparable ...

Minister encourages businesses to make breakthroughs in export

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Minister Susi Pudjiastuti encouraged businesses in the national fisheries sector ...

Indonesia overtakes Thailand, VIetnam in fishery products trade balance

Indonesia has overtaken the other ASEAN member states in terms of trade balance in marine and fishery products, said ...

Lake Limboto charm festival sets off to spectacular start

The opening of the Limboto Lake Charm Festival (FPDL), which was held on the coast of Limboto Lake, Gorontalo ...

Yogyakarta to host international guppy festival

Yogyakarta City will host the 2018 Guppy International Festival on Nov 3-4 that is expected to be the biggest event of ...

Indonesia promotes IAEA's nuclear program for peaceful purposes

Indonesia continues to promote technical cooperation programs developed by the International Atomic Energy Agency ...

Super typhoon slams into China after pummelling Philippines

A super typhoon made landfall in China`s Guangdong on Sunday, the country`s most populous province, after wreaking ...

Indonesian waters in plastic waste emergency

Indonesian waters are currently in a state of plastic waste emergency that can affect the health of marine animals and ...

International coastal cleanup activity held in Bali

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) cooperated with the Ocean Conservancy Institution from the United ...

Fishermen`s gains increase following dollar appreciation

Fishermen, who are members of the Minosaroyo Village Unite Cooperatives (KUD), claim to have benefited from the ...

Bengkulu marks Islamic New Year with Tabot Festival

The Islamic New Year 1440 Hegira, which, based on the Islamic calendar falls on Tuesday (Sept 11), is not merely a new ...

Fisheries office involves field extension workers to collect fisherman data

Fisheries Office of Bangka Regency, Province of Bangka Belitung Islands, has involved a number of field extension ...

Former minister Dahuri proposes fisheries export deregulation

Former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Rokhmin Dahuri has proposed strengthening of policy deregulation ...

News focus - Indonesia has serious concern about plastic waste reduction by Otniel Tamindael

Efforts to reduce global plastic waste are a serious concern of the Indonesian government, along with delegations from ...