North Sumatra Province's COVID-19 death toll rose to 681 after two people in Medan City succumbed to the novel ...
New Year eve celebrations have been banned across Indonesia to prevent crowding and curb potential transmission of the ...
At least 4,788,286 persons have been screened for COVID-19 so far using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, with ...
The Central Jakarta police investigators have summoned a nurse of the Wisma Atlet Kemayoran emergency hospital for ...
The Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) central executive board revealed that some 234 kyai (Islamic teachers) and influential figures ...
The Ministry of Transportation has issued a Shipping Declaration to all stakeholders on the dangers of extreme weather ...
The Indonesian government is striving to win the hearts and minds of all citizens and enlist their participation for ...
Center for the Syarikat Islam Ideological Defense (Perisai) Secretary General Harjono made an earnest request to ...
Research and Technology Minister Bambang P. S. Brodjonegoro highlighted the government’s decision to accelerate ...
With 68 more patients recovering from coronavirus infections in Papua in a span of 24 hours ending Tuesday, the number ...
A long-awaited vaccine against COVID-19 finally arrived in Jakarta on December 6, 2020, and was immediately taken to ...
An Indonesian legislator has proposed that the government's COVID-19 vaccination program start with President Joko ...
Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko requested Indonesia's popular Muslim preacher, Abdullah Gymnastiar alias Aa ...
The Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) has targeted to conduct clinical test for the Red and White vaccine to fight ...
The Indonesian government is carrying out simulations to ensure the smooth implementation of its mass COVID-19 ...