#flash floods

Collection of flash floods news, found 501 news.

Landslide damages three houses in Boyolali

A landslide that struck certain areas of the villages of Cepogo and Surodadi, Boyolali district, Central Java, on ...

Tens of Houses Inundated in Manggopoh, W Sumatra

Tens of houses were flooded at Pasa Durian Manggopoh, Lubuk Basung sub district, Agam District, West Sumatra, ...

Flash Floods Hit Aceh Jaya Villages

Flash floods triggered by heavy rains since Friday (Feb. 25), have hit seven villages in Teunom sub districts, Aceh ...

Govt to dispatch rice supplies for fishermen

The government will dispatch rice stock for fishermen in several parts of Indonesia who temporarily cannot earn a ...

Australia thanks Indonesia for helping Queensland

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard thanked Indonesia for donating one million US dollars to support ...

Indonesian brotherhood in Brisbane glood

Several hundred Indonesians, tens of thousands of Australians and a number of other foreign nationals in Brisbane and ...

Floods force over thousand East Flores residents to flee

Floods have inundated Waibalun, Larantuka, East Flores District, NTT Province, since Sunday (Jan 16), and forced over ...

23 houses in w Sulawesi destroyed by flash floods

A total of 23 houses in Tampalang village, Tapalang subdistrict, Mamuju regency, West Sulawesi province, had been ...

Whirlwind damages 20 houses in S Kalimantan

A whirlwind destroyed two houses and damaged 18 others in Cinta Puri village, Simpang Empat subdistrict, Banjar ...

Parts of Indonesia experience cyclone Vince`s impact

Several parts of Indonesia have experienced the impact of tropical cyclone Vince, although it is predicted to last ...

Cyclone vince to impact on parts of Indonesia

High sea temperatures south of Indonesia (840 km south of Cilacap, Central Java) are predicted to cause tropical ...

Floods inundate ponds, rice fields in S Sulawesi

Floods submerged hundreds of hectares of shrimp and fish ponds as well as rice fields in South Sulawesi Province ...

Mozambique storms, floods kill 12: police, state media

Lightning killed eight churchgoers in central Mozambique with a separate storm and floods raising the death toll to ...

Hundreds of families evacuated from N Sumatra`s flood zone

Several hundreds of families in Tanjung Anom village, Deli Serdang district, in the outskirt of Medan city, North ...

Medan`s Floods Displace Tens Of Families

Tens of families fled their flood-hit houses in Kelambir Lima hamlet, Tanjung Gusta subdistrict, North Sumatra city of ...