#flood victims

Collection of flood victims news, found 565 news.

Social Affairs Ministry sends logistics aid to flood-hit South Sulawesi

Social Affairs Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita has ordered to dispatch logistics aid and rescue officers to six ...

Flash flood takes Makassar residents by surprise

A flash flood took residents of Antang Makassar residential area in Manggala Sub-district, here, by surprise as flood ...

Heavy rain triggers flooding in Makassar

Parts of Makassar City were flooded following incessant heavy rain that fell from Monday evening until Tuesday ...

Papua police look for three missing victims in Goyage flood

Papua provincial police have deployed several officers to search for three missing residents after a flash flood hit ...

Flood emergency status declared in West Aceh

West Aceh District Head H. Ramli MS confirmed that the district was classified as a flood emergency area, as hundreds ...

Warning of hydrometeorological disasters issued during rainy season

The rainy season has set in quite late over certain regions but has already induced floods and landslides, claiming ...

Four killed, two missing in flooding in Tasikmalaya

Four people were killed and two missing as floods hit a coastal region in Tasikmalaya District, West Java Province, on ...

News Focus -Floods strike Sumatra as rainy season begins

Rainy season has begun in some parts of Indonesia, particularly on Sumatra Island, but the dry season has continued in ...

Floods submerge 1,070 houses in Bengkalis, Riau

Floods triggered by incessant heavy rains, have submerged 1,070 houses in Bantan and Bengkalis sub-districts, ...

Kerala Samajam Indonesia helps Lombok quake victims

The Managing Committee of Kerala Samajam Indonesia (KSI), one of the Indian Regional Associations in Indonesia ...

Policeman dies after wall collapse during evacuation of flood victims

A policeman was seriously injured and later died in a wall collapse while evacuating flood victims in Mamuju. The ...

Jakarta governor orders officials to conduct flood alert operations

Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has instructed the entire ranks of Jakarta Regional Government to carry out the ...

Floods hit 21 villages in Tebing Tinggi, N Sumatra

Floods have hit 21 villages in five sub-districts, Tebing Tinggi, North Sumatra Province, since Saturday. The ...

Floods hit three villages in Indragiri Hilir, Riau

Floods have hit three villages in Batang Tuaka Sub-district, Indragiri Hilir (Inhil) District, Riau Province, since ...

Flash floods hit four villages in Banyumas

Flash floods submerged four villages in Sumpiuh Sub-district, Banyumas District, Central Java Province, on Wednesday, ...