#foreign exchange reserves

Collection of foreign exchange reserves news, found 386 news.

Indonesia`s economy to grow 6.2 pct next year

The Indonesian economic growth next year will decline from the target of 6.5 percent for 2011 but will stay at a high ...

VP Boediono calls for anticipatory measures against tightening global liquidity

Indonesia needs to take anticipatory measures with regard to current global crisis which may worsen to cause global ...

Finance minister : RI`s forex reserves safe

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo said on Tuesday he was not worried about the country`s US dollar-denominated ...

Capital outflow normal thing : BI

Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank) said capital outflow from one country to another was a normal thing because all ...

BI: rupiah weakens since Sept

Bank Indonesia (the central bank/BI) said the rupiah had weakened against the US dollar since September 2011. ...

Foreign banks contribute 50 pct of private debts

Foreign banks operating in Indonesia contribute around 50 percent of private debts reaching US$100 billion. The ...

BI revises down economic growth forecast to below 6.5 pct

Bank Indonesia (BI) has revised down its forecast on the country`s economic growth to below 6.5 percent due to a ...

BI: forex reserves enough to deal with rupiah depreciation

A central bank official said Indonesia has enough foreign exchange reserves to deal with the possibility of rupiah ...

RI still affected by global crisis in 2012: Observer

Indonesia will not yet be free from the impact of the European and US financial crisis in 2012 because the turmoil`s ...

ASEAN encourages region`s bond market discussion

ASEAN Business and Investment Summit encourages the discussion of the implementation of the ASEAN Bond Market ...

State-owned banks key to surviving crisis

State-owned banks are the key to dealing with the current global economic crisis in the US and Europe, new State ...

IMF predicts ri`s GDP to grow 6.3 pct in 2012

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts Indonesia`s Gross Domestic Product will grow 6.3 percent in 2012. ...

BI to closely monitor global financial market developments

Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Darmin Nasution said the central bank would remain alert towards the risks and ...

BI to continue intervening in market to stabilize rupiah

Indonesian central bank (Bank Indonesia/BI) will continue buying state debentures (SUN) in an effort to stabilize the ...

Nat`l economy to grow only 6.5 pct in 2012 : BI

Indonesia`s economy in 2012 will grow 6.5 percent, or slower than 6.7 percent as assumed in the Draft 2012 State ...