#foreign exchange reserves

Collection of foreign exchange reserves news, found 386 news.

RI`s forex reserves sufficient to safeguard rupiah : BI official

Indonesia`s foreign reserves are strong enough to safeguard the rupiah from money market pressures caused by the ...

Central bank optimistic rupiah to appreciate soon

Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank) believed that the local currency rupiah would soon appreciate again because its ...

RI`s forex reserves reach $124.6 bln in August

Indonesia`s foreign exchange reserves in the year ended August 31 reached US$124.6 billion enough to finance 7.1 ...

RI convinced it is able to fend off financial turmoil

The prolonged global financial crisis and the fall of Indonesia`s composite index early this week have prompted ...

Govt to provide financial training to migrant workers

The Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration cooperating with the Central Bank (BI) are to provide financial training ...

Hollywood films to be shown again in Indonesia

Hollywood films will be shown again in several Indonesian cinemas as of July 29, 2011, Tourism and Culture Minister ...

Govt trying to cut foreign debts

The government is making a constant effort to reduce the amount of foreign debts to minimize risks, a minister said. ...

Indonesia needs to watch its foreign debts

Indonesia needs to watch its debts made by the government or private parties that have continued to increase although ...

Unspent budget funds to serve as reverse capital flow buffer

Finance Minister Agus Martowardoyo said he was considering the use of unspent budget funds (SAL) amounting to Rp97 ...

BI: Rupiah to continue appreciating

Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Darmin Nasution said the country`s rupiah currency would continue to strengthen until the ...

Govt projects 2012 growth at 6.5-6.9 pct

The government has projected the domestic economy to expand by a range of 6.5-6.9 percent in 2012, or slightly higher ...

BI predicts q2 payments balance to record surplus

Bank Indonesia (BI) has predicted that the second-quarter balance of payments will still record a surplus that will ...

News Focus : Govt comes under fire over glut of Chinese goods

The Indonesian government has come under fire over a glut of Chinese products into the domestic market following the ...

BI predicts surplus of US$16.4 in balance of payments

Bank Indonesia predicts there will be a surplus of around US$16.4 billion in the country`s balance of payments that ...

Banks still accept 6.75 pct BI key rate

Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank) is of the opinion that banks will still accept a BI benchmark rate which is set ...