#foreign exchange reserves

Collection of foreign exchange reserves news, found 386 news.

Asean to have financial supervisory institution soon

Acting Chief of the Fiscal Policy Board at the Indonesian Finance Ministry Bambang Brodjonegoro said on Thursday an ...

RI`s forex reserves reach $102.02 billion

Indonesia`s foreign exchange reserves in the year ended March 10 rose to US$102.02 billion on the back of the robust ...

RI`s economy to expand 6.5 pct in 2010: BI

Bank Indonesia (the central bank/BI) has predicted the domestic economy may expand by a range of 6-6.5 percent in 2011 ...

BI: RI`s forex reserves surpass US$100 billion

Indonesia`s foreign exchange reserves reached US$100 billion early this month, Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Darmin ...

G20 finance ministers to meet in Paris at weekend

Paris (ANTARA News/RIA Novosti)  - The finance ministers of the G20 group of countries will meet in Paris on ...

G20 finance ministers to meet in Paris at weekend

The finance ministers of the G20 group of countries will meet in Paris on Friday and Saturday to discuss monetary ...

RI`s payments balance sees $11.3 bln surplus in q4

Indonesia`s balance of payment in the fourth quarter of last year recorded a surplus of US$11.3 billion compared to ...

BI projects economy to grow 6.4 pct in first quarter

Bank Indonesia (BI) predicts the national economy will grow by 6.4 percent in the first quarter of 2011, powered by ...

BI: year-end forex reserves 112.6 billion dollars

Bank Indonesia said direct capital investment may play a bigger role in capital inflow, so that total balance payments ...

Moody`s raises RI`s rating

Moody`s Investor Service has raised Indonesia`s rating and the bonds it issues to Ba1 from Ba2 earlier due to the ...

BI governor: Indonesian economy remains strong

Bank Indonesia believes the country`s economy will remain strong with its gross domestic product in 2011 and 2012 ...