
Collection of forests news, found 1.489 news.

Long-awaited decree on deforestation moratorium draws mixed responses from NGOs

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono finally signed the long-awaited Presidential Instruction on deforestation ...

Four kinds of exceptions to apply in forest clearing moratorium

The government is to make four kinds of exceptions in the implementation of Presidential Instruction No. 10/2011 on ...

President issues regulation on underground mining

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has signed a presidential regulation (Perpres) No. 28/2011 on the Use of Protected ...

Presidential regulation on forest clearing moratorium signed

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has already signed a presidential regulation that imposes a moratorium on forest ...

Brazil creates office to fight deforestation

Brazil on Wednesday announced the creation of an emergency task force to fight against the deforestation of the ...

Kalimantan forest areas hosting some of world`s lungs

Forest areas in Kalimantan island, including those in Banjar districts , are host to some of the lungs of the world, a ...

CTI countries renew talks on world largest coral reefs

Local authorities of six countries grouped in the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) began four days of talks at ...

Govt temporarily stops allowing foreign investment in oil palm sector

The government has temporarily stopped allowing foreign investors to develop new oil palm plantations so as to give ...

Agency to take firm action against Rokan Hilir forest arsonists

The Rokan Hilir Environmental Impact Control Agency (Bapedal) plans to take firm action against people who have caused ...

U.S., RI discuss future of peatland mangroves

The U.S. and Indonesia conducted a joint workshop on April 11-14, which brought together leading international ...

Over 60 hectares of mangroves in Batam damaged

The dockyard industry and housing development in Batam in 2011 have caused damage to about 60 hectares of mangrove ...

Sumatran tigers on brink of extinction

The Sumatran Tiger (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) in Bengkulu province is on the brink of extinction due human activities ...

RSPO Comments on Proposed Palm Oil Labeling Bill in Australia

-http://www.rspo.org/media/index.php         The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil ...

About 35.4 million hectares of forests reserved economic activities

The forestry ministry has reserved about 35.4 million hectares of forests for production forest utilization ...

WALHI hails planned moratorium on forest clearing

The Indonesian Environmental Forum (WALHI) has hailed the government`s plan to sign the presidential regulation ...