
Collection of formation news, found 1.348 news.

Wiranto demands proof from parties on human rights violation accusations

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Wiranto has called on several parties that have ...

State enterprises entering golden era

Rini Mariani Soemarno, a professional woman figure in President Joko Wdodo's cabinet, has heavy tasks as she manages ...

The formation of national cyber agency

The establishment of the National Cyber Agency, which began three years ago with the arrival of the Cyber Desk in the ...

Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines discuss implementation of coordinated patrols

Indonesian, Malaysian, and Philippine defense ministers met in Manila on Monday to discuss the implementation of ...

Tillman Green LLC and Global Tower Solutions to invest $500 million in joint venture to build telecom infrastructure in emerging markets

- Tillman Green, LLC ("Tillman") and Global Tower Solutions ("GTS") announced the formation of Tillman GTS, a global ...

Cabinet secretary reports use of funds at 40.48 percent

Cabinet Secretary (Seskab) Pramono Anung reported, up until June 8, the usage of Cabinet Secretariat budget is noted ...

Indonesian Cyber Agency to curb rampant cyber attacks

Lacking adequate cyber security, Indonesia is in a state of emergency following increasing incidents of cyber attacks ...

New cyber agency`s authority to not overlap with other institutions

Jakarta - The National Cyber Agency (BCN), due to be set up soon, will not overlap with the authorities of other ...

ANTARA News Agency promotes Palestinian independence through news

The Indonesian National News Agency, Antara, promotes every effort to call for Palestinian independence through its ...

Government upbeat about Q2 growth

Despite witnessing low performance in the first quarter, the government is optimistic that the economic growth in the ...

Japan honors Mohammad Nuh with Order of the Rising Sun

Japan has honored ex-Indonesian education minister Mohammad Nuh by awarding him the Order of the Rising Sun in ...

Holding firm needed to implement economic packages

The government needs to establish holding companies as per its plan in order to implement President Joko Widodos ...

Finance minister optimistic about growth in Q2

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro has expressed optimism for the expected economic growth in the second quarter, ...

Indonesia`s Q2 economic growth would be higher: Darmin

Coordinating Minister for Economy Darmin Nasution predicted the country would chalk up a higher economic growth in the ...

Economy grows 4.92 pct in first quarter: BPS

Indonesias economy grew by 4.92 percent in the first quarter of this year due to, among other factors, government ...