#former president

Collection of former president news, found 811 news.

Amnesty critisizes US for unlawful Bin Laden raid

Amnesty International criticized the United States on Wednesday for its use of lethal force, particularly for the ...

President Yudhoyono attends Timor Leste Independence Day celebration

Visiting Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and First Lady Ani Yudhoyono attended the 10th celebration of ...

Jean-Marc Ayrault becomes new French PM

French President Francois Hollande`s new Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault arrived at the Matignon Palace in Paris on ...

Palestinian reshuffled government to be sworn on Wednesday

A reshuffled Palestinian cabinet, headed by caretaking government Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, will take oath before ...

Iran hopes Hollande presidency opens new era

Tehran on Monday voiced hope that Francois Hollande`s presidency will open up a "new era" in ties between Iran and ...

Two Belgian "terrorism" suspects detained in Yemen

Two Belgian nationals could be deported from Yemen after being detained last month on suspicion of involvement in ...

President says labor policies not politically motivated

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has said that the government has no political interests with regard to its recent ...

ASEAN Secretariat to host int`l dialog on democracy

The Jakarta-based ASEAN Secretariat is scheduled to host an international dialogue on democracy here on May 1, 2012 - ...

VP praises adm. Sudomo`s significant role in navy`s progress

Vice President Boediono noted that the late admiral (retired) Sudomo contributed to the progress in building the ...

Vice president master of ceremony at Sudomo`s funeral

Vice President Boediono served as an inspector of ceremony at the funeral of Sudomo, former Coordinating Minister for ...

Karzai says NATO failed as 18-hr Kabul attack ends

Afghan President Hamid Karzai said on Monday that a coordinated Taliban attack showed a "failure" by Afghan ...

Yemen air force, troops kill 62 militants

Yemen`s air force and ground troops killed at least 62 suspected al Qaeda-linked fighters on Wednesday, officials and ...

Iran ex-president urges better ties with Saudi Arabia

Iran should forge better ties with regional rival Saudi Arabia to counter Western sanctions on Iranian oil, a former ...

Qaeda gunmen kill 7 police in Yemen: security

Al-Qaeda militants killed seven policemen Sunday in an attack on a checkpoint in Yemen`s southeast, a security ...

Gunmen execute Yemen official, three killed in clash

Unidentified gunmen abducted and killed an intelligence officer in southern Yemen, sparking a clash in which two of ...