
Collection of frozen news, found 302 news.

J14 movement joins OneVoice in protesting stalled peace talks

- The #J14 movement joined OneVoice Israel on Tuesday in Tel Aviv to draw for the first time the inextricable link ...

Obama eases sanctions against Myanmar

U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday eased sanctions on Myanmar, allowing American companies to do business in the ...

Conservationists Await Rare Sumatran Rhino Birth

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Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih buried at special location

The mortal remains of former Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih is buried in a special location, Heroes ...

Indonesia keen to tap European Union market

The Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Sharif C. Sutardjo attended the opening of Frozen Seafood International ...

Indonesia to participate European Seafood Exposition

Indonesia to participate European Seafood Exposition (ESE) which was held from April 24th--26th, 2012 followed more ...

Indonesia Is Not Afraid to Work on European Union Market

The Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Sharif C. Sutardjo attended the opening of Frozen Seafood International ...

Indonesia Is Not Afraid to Work in European Union Market

The Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Sharif C. Sutardjo attended the opening of Frozen Seafood International ...

Indonesia Promotes Fishery Products to Attract European Market

Indonesia is promoting the potential of fishery products in order to improve penetration into the European market as ...

RI welcomes EU`s decision to suspend sanctions against Myanmar

Indonesia welcomes the European Union`s decision to suspend most of the sanctions imposed upon Myanmar as a show of ...

Netanyahu, Fayyad to meet next week: Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet his Palestinian counterpart Salam Fayyad in Jerusalem next week, a ...

Landslide destroys power lines in central Fiji

The Fiji Electricity Authority (FEA) said on Monday that the country`s power lines has been destroyed by landslides ...

Bali`s tuna exports reach 83.02 million US dollars

Bali gained 83.02 million US dollars in 2011 from the import of fresh and frozen tuna, a 16.30 pct decline from the ...

Obama calls Palestinian President Abbas

US President Barack Obama called Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas on Monday and assured him that the peace process ...

Russian-Indonesian businessmen have wider opportunity to tie economic cooperation

Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Indonesia Alexander A. Ivanov said Russian and Indonesian businessmen had the ...