#generate electricity

Collection of generate electricity news, found 88 news.

NGOs urge government to change energy policy

Environmentalists from a number of non governmental organizations (NGOs) have been united to urge President Joko ...

Procter & Gamble and Constellation Announce One of Nation’s Largest Biomass Renewable Energy Plants

- The Procter & Gamble Company (NYSE:PG) and Constellation, a subsidiary of Exelon Corporation (NYSE:EXC), today ...

Raknamo first of 49 reservoirs to be built: President

Raknamo reservoir in East Nusa Tenggara province is the first of 49 dams the government will build in the next five ...

Biomass power plant to be built in s Buru, Maluku

A biomass power plant and an agroforestry zone will be set up in South Buru district, Maluku, Director of PT Binatek ...

Enggano island`s historical spots can become tourist attraction

The remains of three colonial buildings on the Enggano Island in North Bengkulu district, should be preserved as a ...

Indonesian government urged to build diesel power plant on enggano island

The people on Enggano Island in Bengkulu province have urged the local government to build a diesel power plant (PLTD) ...

Indonesia to have second largest dam

Expected to start operation in April 2014, the Jatigede dam in Sumedang District, West Java, will be the second ...

Water hyacinth silts up Lake Tondano

Water hyacinth continues to silt up Lake Tondano in Minahasa District, North Sulawesi, Governor Sinyo Sarudajang said ...

Potential geothermal reserves found in Kolaka

The energy and mineral resources ministry said a potential geothermal reserve has been found in the district of ...

South Sumatra to develop two geothermal wells

The South Sumatra regional administration is developing two geothermal wells to generate electricity. The two ...

Indonesia seeks Norwegian support to develop fisheries industry

The recent visit of Norwegian Crown Prince Hakoon Magnus and Crown Princess Mette-Marit - the first ever by a member ...

Minister supports nuclear power plant establishment in East Kalimantan

Indonesia`s Research and Technology Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta is in support of the East Kalimantan (Kaltim) ...

GE Signs Letter of Intent with Perusahaan Listrik Negara

General Electric (NYSE:GE) and Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) signed today a Letter of Intent (LOI) to jointly ...

Pertamina ready to do business in electricity

PT Pertamina (state-owned oil and gas company) through Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) is planning to do ...

"Geothermal energy more efficient"

The Technology Application and Study Agency (BPPT) said geothermal is clean and more efficient to generate ...