#go ahead

Collection of go ahead news, found 304 news.

Budi Gunawan`s fate now in KPK`s hands

The fate of Commissioner General Budi Gunawan is now in the hands of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) that ...

Russia ready to help Indonesia develop nuclear power plants

Russia is ready to assist Indonesia in developing nuclear power plants for development and peace purposes, Russian ...

Parliament returns political heat to jokowi: Desmond - (d)

A lawmaker said the House of Representatives (DPR) has returned the political heat to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ...

Pope to visit Sri Lanka despite Rajapakse defeat

The Catholic church Friday reiterated that Pope Francis will go ahead with his visit to Sri Lanka next week despite ...

Indonesia's SAR divers to find ping location of AirAsia QZ8501

Chief of the Indonesia National SAR Agency FH Bambang Soelistyo said several teams of divers will touch seabed to find ...

Vice president denies repeal of 2013 curriculum

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla has denied that the 2013 education curriculum issued recently will be ...

64 drug traffickers to be executed

Vice-President Jusuf Kalla has confirmed that the government will go ahead with the execution of 64 drug traffickers ...

Syria war death toll now more than 200,000

Syria's civil war has killed more than 200,000 people in less than four years, a monitoring group told AFP on Tuesday, ...

Indonesian police to stop Free Papua anniversary activities

Police in Papua have been prepared to disperse any separatist Free Papua Organization (OPM) anniversary commemoration ...

Weather modification technology to anticipate flood threats ready for implementation

The Indonesia Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) is ready to implement weather modification ...

Legislators proceed with attempt to question president

The governments decision to raise the prices of subsidized fuels when the world crude price is on the decline has led ...

Support for nuclear power plant development on the rise

- Several years ago, local people, non-governmental organizations, and environmentalists were opposed to a government ...

A number of districts want to have nuclear power plant

A number of districts in the country want to build a nuclear power plant (PLTN) to cope with crisis in power supply in ...

Police ensure investment security in Batam

National Police Chief General Sutarman has ensured business security for present-day and prospective investors in ...

Indonesia Should Appeal To UN Over Israeli Aggression Against Aqsa

Israeli police clashed with Palestinians last week at the entrance to al-Aqsa Mosque, Islams third most sacred place, ...