#go ahead

Collection of go ahead news, found 304 news.

British authorities halt anti-royal wedding party

A British republican group on Monday accused authorities of imposing a "politically motivated ban" on its anti-royal ...

Legislator calls on house speaker to postpone new building plan

Golkar Party legislator Bambang Soesatyo has called on House Speaker Marzuki Alie to be wise in handling the plan to ...

CIR: New building to spoil kawmakers

The director of the Center for Indonesian Reform (CIR), Sapto Waluyo, said the planned new parliament building will ...

Indonesia unlikely to halt its nuclear plan

Despite growing opposition and concern sparked by the ongoing nuclear crisis in Japan, Indonesia is unlikely to halt ...

Govt to maximize use of new energy

The government will maximize the use of new and renewable energy, especially geothermal, hydro-energy and bio-fuels, ...

Telkom`s bid to buy back Singtel shares gets minister`s support

A minister has expressed support to PT Telkom Tbk.`s effort to buy back its shares in Singapore Telecommunication ...

Four Bengkulu state university lecturers remain in Japan

Four lecturers of Bengkulu State University (Unib) survived in Japan`s earthquake and tsunami areas decided to ...

Canada deploys jets to Libya despite ceasefire

Canada announced Friday it was deploying CF-18 fighter jets to help enforce a no-fly zone over Libya and said the ...

Hundreds pour in for Gaza `unity` rally

A crowd of at least 3,000 young Palestinians streamed into central Gaza City to rally for national unity on Monday -- ...

Japan to host three-way FM talks with S.Korea, China as scheduled

Japan plans to host a three-way foreign ministers` meeting with South Korea and China this weekend as scheduled ...

Govt okays provincial bans on Ahmadiyah activities

The central government finds no fault in the decisions of the West and East Java governors to ban Ahmadiyah ...

IPW urges govt to stop forming anti-anarchism detachment

The Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) coordinator has urged the National Police (Polri) and the House of Representatives ...

News Focus: Govt still undecided on fuel consumption cuts

The government is still undecided on whether to go ahead with its plan to limit subsidized fuel consumption as of ...

Postponement of fuel consumption cuts to burden budget Rp6 trillion

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo said postponement of subsidized fuel oil consumption cuts would increase subsidy in ...

Abbas says not to hold elections without votes from Gazans

National elections will not be held in the Palestinian territories if Gaza`s Hamas rulers prevented Gazans from ...