
Collection of got news, found 1.913 news.

Ministry assigns team to probe lion`s death in Surabaya Zoo

The Forestry Ministry assigned an investigative team to probe the death of Michael, an African lion, who was found ...

Singapore's Chinatown Celebrates "Galloping to Prosperity" in the Year of the Horse 2014

The highly anticipated Chinese festival in Singapore's cultural calendar just got even more exciting as Chinatown ...

Manado-Bitung toll road construction cannot be postponed by otniel tamindael - (d)

The construction of Manado-Bitung toll road in North Sulawesi province cannot be postponed because it is closely ...

13 Indonesia's oil and gas projects to begin production

The Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Body (SKK-Migas) has predicted that a total of 13 oil and gas projects will begin ...

Military prepares anti-riot troops in face of elections

Commander of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) Moeldoko will set up anti-riot troops to help secure the legislative ...

Six evacuees of Mt Sinabung eruption die

Six evacuees from the Mount Sinabung eruption in North Sumatra have died from illness at shelters and a hospital in ...

13 detained for conducting raid on hotels

Police arrested 13 people on charges of conducting a raid on a number of hotels in West Javas Tasikmalaya city on ...

Russians name Putin as Man of The Year

Russians have named President Vladimir Putin as the Man of the Year in 2013, according to a new survey. ...

Indonesia needs to revitalize migrant policies

Indonesia needs to revitalize its policies in the migrant workers sector to provide fair treatment for its migrant ...

Nine foreign hikers lost in freeport`s grasberg area

Nine foreign hikers, reported missing after they were separated from their group in the Grasberg area controlled by ...

"Mudik" tradition in Turkey during festival of sacrifice

Kocaeli, Turkey (ANTARA News)  Tradition of "Mudik" or going back to the hometown does not only happen in ...

Destructions chemical weapons begins

Experts destroyed missile warheads, aerial bombs and chemical mixing equipment Sunday on the first day of a campaign ...

Indonesian fails to grab soccer's gold medal

The Indonesian national soccer team that took lead 1-0 at the first half over Morocco`s team at the 3rd Islamic ...

Turkey will probably never join the EU

Turkey will probably never join the European Union because of prejudicial attitudes by the bloc`s existing members, ...

Young musicians from around world perform in peace orchestra

Some 134 young musicians from 50 countries performed together as the World Peace Orchestra for the first time Tuesday ...