
Collection of greenhouse news, found 917 news.

Economic value of biodiesel at US$4 billion: Energy Ministry

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is committed to continuing the mandatory biodiesel program given that the ...

Biodiesel policy accelerating transition to clean energy: Minister

Over the last 14 years, Indonesia's biodiesel policy has accelerated the transition from fossil-based energy to ...

East Java encourages use of electric vehicles, induction cookers

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa has issued a circular regarding the use of battery-based electric vehicles ...

Government optimizes use of alternative energy sources from POME

The Indonesian government optimizes the use of alternative energy sources from biogas power plants (PLTBg) that produce ...

G20 chance to realize climate action: minister

The G20 meeting is an opportunity to realize braver collective action to handle climate change, biodiversity loss, and ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 EDM-CSWG meeting to formulate commitments to tackle climate change

Environment and forestry sector meeting at the First G20 Environment Deputies Meeting and Climate Sustainability ...

Pertamina prioritizes comprehensive energy transition to cut emissions

State-run oil and gas corporation PT Pertamina (Persero) has set a more comprehensive energy transition as the ...

News Focus

Sustainable forests for combating climate change

Indonesia is ready to embark on a new chapter of life, as the Nusantara Capital City begins its development with the ...

President reiterates climate finance when opening 144th Session of IPU

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reiterated the significance of climate finance while opening the 144th Assembly ...

B20 task force provides policy recommendations on energy transition

The B20 Energy, Sustainability & Climate Task Force, led by state-owned oil giant PT Pertamina (Persero), has ...

Energy-saving lamps could help to reduce mercury usage: Ministry

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources encourages high-efficiency and energy-efficient lighting, such as the use ...

Indonesia needs Rp3.460 trillion to cut carbon emissions: minister

Indonesia will require Rp3.460 trillion, or around Rp266 trillion per year, in funding till 2030 to reduce carbon ...

Ministry develops climate-smart program to ensure food security

The Ministry of Agriculture is developing a Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) program to anticipate climate change and ...

Forestry sector to contribute to 60-pct reduction in carbon emissions

The government, through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, targets the forestry sector and other land uses to ...

PSEL construction to solve Tangerang waste problem: official

The construction of waste-to-energy processing (PSEL) based on environmentally friendly technology solved the problem ...