
Collection of guinea news, found 899 news.

Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) 2013 Day Three Transactions Exceed Targets

Transactions through the third day Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) have totaled USD 1.33 billion, or 66.5% of the targets ...

APEC leaders leave Bali after summit

Leaders at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit began leaving the island of Bali, following the ...

President Yudhoyono opens APEC Summit

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono opened the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Nusa Dua, Indonesia`s ...

APEC members prioritize forging partnerships

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said all members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) had prioritized ...

Indonesia, PNG sign comprehensive partnership action plan

Indonesia and Papua New Guinea (PNG) signed an action plan on the implementation of comprehensive partnership between ...

Indonesia, Peru sign MOU on agriculture cooperation

Indonesia and Peru signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on agriculture cooperation on the sidelines of the ...

President Yudhoyono greets APEC leaders

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono greets the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders who will attend the ...

ISG: Indonesia`s men`s basketball team defeated by Turkey

Indonesia`s national basketball men`s team was crushed by Turkey`s team 34-79 at the third Islamic Solidarity Games ...

Oirata language in danger of extinction

The endangered Oirata language in Indonesia has a rich oral culture, with stories, songs, and histories passed on from ...

Australia Spares No Mercy For Asylum Seekers

In Indonesia, there is an old saying expressing one`s love of country, regardless of problems.  As the saying ...

PNG to purchase electricity from indonesia`s Papua

Papua New Guinea plans to buy electricity from Indonesia`s province of Papua to cover shortage in power supply in PNG ...

Australia, PNG supports Indonesia on Papua issue

- The governments of Australia and Papua New Guinea (PNG) have urged the districts of Papua and Papua Barat (West ...

President Yudhoyono meets with Solomon Islands PM

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono met with visiting Solomon Islands prime minister Gordon Darcy Lilo at the ...

Some 650 military personnel deployed along RI-PNG border

Some 650 military personnel of Infantry Battalion (Yonif) 410/Aloguro left Tanjung Emas Seaport at Semerang, Central ...

Tougher immigration policy against illegal asylum seekers

The Australian government has put into effect a stricter immigration policy to prevent more asylum seekers from ...