#halal product

Collection of halal product news, found 250 news.

Tourism Ministry signs MoU on halal wonders

The Tourism Ministry and the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Halal ...

Indonesia continues to promote its tourism potential

The government of Indonesia, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is ready and will continue to market and promote ...

RI, Saudi Arabia should boost trade, investment

Indonesia and Saudi Arabia should boost their bilateral trade further, as their two-year trade has been declining in ...

Halal zone to appear in Pulogadung Industrial Area

Halal Zone will soon arrive in Pulogadung Industrial Area, East Jakarta, serving as a showcase for Indonesias halal ...

Increasing halal certification in West Nusa Tenggara

The province of West Nusa Tenggara is among several Indonesian regions that can become an icon of halal tourism but ...

Halal tourism to grow rapidly

Halal tourism sector is considered to grow rapidly that every side has to respond this potential to develop business ...

Indonesia introduces halal products in Moscow

Indonesia introduced its range of halal products at the Moscow Halal Expo on June 2 to 5, 2016, noted a press ...

Medicines need `halal` certification: MUI

The Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) has stated that pharmaceutical products such as medicines and vaccines, must have ...

VP hopes `halal` certification not to burden consumers

Vice President Boediono hoped that the application of `halal` certification would not burden consumers because there ...

Jakarta to be World`s Halal Food Center

Jakarta will be a center of the world`s halal food as headquarter of the World Halal Food Council (WHFC) will be ...