#health assistance

Collection of health assistance news, found 36 news.

Bank Indonesia expedition team combs 3t islands

The Bank Indonesia (BI) Expedition Team combed the islands of the Underdeveloped, Frontier, and Outermost category ...

Humanitarian situation in Syria remains worrisome: UN official

The humanitarian situation in various regions of Syria remains worrisome, said a senior UN humanitarian official on ...

Indonesia to build hospital for Rohingya community

Indonesia will build a hospital on a four thousand square-meter plot of land as a form of long-term health assistance ...

International committee of military medicine lauds Indonesian Military Medicine Association

The International Committee of Military Medicine (ICMM) lauds the contribution of the Indonesian Military Medicine ...

RI Demonstrates Continued Support For Palestine

It might be a small step forward, but it`s a victory any way for Palestine which became a full member of UNESCO ...

RI hospital to be built in Gaza soon

An Indonesian hospital is going to be built in Gaza, Palestine, soon now that its sponsors have gone through various ...