#health centers

Collection of health centers news, found 893 news.

Health Ministry built 50 puskesmas in NTT in three years

The Ministry of Health, in the last three years, realized the construction of 50 community health centers (puskesmas) ...

BPJS Kesehatan places personnel at hospitals to assist patients

The National Health Care and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan) has stationed personnel at hospitals to serve ...

Cianjur quake death toll climbs to 600: Government

Cianjur Government in West Java recorded that the number of deaths due to the 5.6-magnitude Cianjur earthquake reached ...

Ministry pushes technological innovations for health transformation

Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono has asked medical experts and researchers to develop technological ...

Jakarta Health Office runs 300 centers to boost vaccination coverage

Around 300 vaccination centers are operating daily in Jakarta to support the acceleration of the third and fourth dose ...

Jakarta expedites fourth-dose vaccination for elderly, health workers

The Jakarta provincial government is accelerating the fourth dose or second booster dose vaccination for older adults ...

Competence of health volunteers crucial during any disaster: governor

The competence of health volunteers is irreplaceable in facing disaster risk, Bali Governor Wayan Koster said at the ...

Ministry accelerates efforts to reduce stunting

The Health Ministry is using a targeted approach to handle nutritional problems in young women, pregnant women, and ...

Govt stresses healthy lifestyle to prevent disease ahead of holidays

Government spokesperson for COVID-19, Reisa Broto Asmoro, has urged everyone to follow a healthy lifestyle to prevent ...

Gov't outlines four strategies for cancer handling, prevention

The government is ready to implement four strategies to prevent and handle cancer cases in Indonesia, Director of ...

Endeavoring to realize Indonesia without anemia from early age

Debora described the taste of blood supplement tablets distributed at her school recently as having no smell but making ...

Govt shifts focus from handling pandemic to improving health services

The government's priority in the health sector has shifted from handling the COVID-19 pandemic to improving the ...

Pregnant women must undergo HIV-AIDS screening: Jakarta Health Office

The Jakarta Health Office has urged pregnant women to undergo screening to prevent their children from getting infected ...

Minister echoes importance of balanced nutrition to prevent stunting

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy, through a statement on Friday, spotlighted ...

Donors must provide safe, nutritious food to quake victims: BPOM

Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Penny Kusumastuti Lukito has advised donors to provide ...