#health ministry

Collection of health ministry news, found 3.688 news.

Liquid nitrogen snacks must be prepared by competent persons: BPOM

Indonesia's Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) has said that all processed food infused with liquid nitrogen ...

Govt pushes brides, grooms to get Elsimil certificate before marriage

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) requires every prospective bride and groom to obtain a ...

National Police hosts course on stadium security at January-end

The National Police will host a course on stadium security management for its personnel and relevant stakeholders at ...

Minister asks labor stakeholders to help eradicate TB in workplace

Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah has invited all stakeholders in the employment sector to actively take part in curbing ...

Govt advises against liquid nitrogen use in ready-to-eat food

The Indonesian Health Ministry has advised businesses not to use liquid nitrogen in ready-to-eat foods, especially ...

Economic turmoil may affect TB handling: ministry

Economic turmoil may affect the progress made by the government and other stakeholders in eliminating tuberculosis (TB) ...

Government to name acting Papua governor following Enembe's arrest

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Mahfud MD stated that the government would name an ...

Liquid nitrogen's non-procedural use in food can trigger poisoning

The Indonesian Health Ministry cautioned that the use of liquid nitrogen in ready-to-eat food products without ...

News Focus

The road to develop domestically produced Merah Putih vaccine

The year 2022 marked a new chapter in the journey of the pharmaceutical industry in the country by showcasing the ...

Parents must prioritize nutritious food over snacks: Ministry

The Indonesian Health Ministry appealed to parents to prioritize giving nutritious food to their children, rather than ...

East Java confirms 1.2 million ready-to-inject doses of Inavac

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa ensured that 1,225,000 doses of locally made COVID-19 vaccine, Inavac, ...

Hydrometeorological disasters in NTT damage 396 homes

The Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) has informed that 396 houses in the province ...

Capacity for COVID-19 testing needs to be strebgt: Ministry

The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) reminded that capacity for COVID-19 testing ...

7,000 babies dying yearly due to lack of specialists: health minister

At least 7,000 babies die each year of congenital heart disease in Indonesia due to a lack of cardiologists and low ...

Ministry asks hospital to report poisoning from liquid nitrogen snack

The Health Ministry has appealed to all Health Offices as well as hospitals in provinces, districts, and cities to ...